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UPPER(ShippingCountry) =='USA', Make sure that your processes schedule robot setup dates and submit opportunities for approval.For the purpose of approvals, assign Nushi Davoud as your manager and make sure your approval process automatically sends requests to the opportunity owners manager. Thanks for clarifying that there should only be one criteria. Tried everything. Feel free to post another comment once the process is reconfigured! Number_of_won_deals__c / Number_of_deals__c, f)Call for Service Note: you need to install the unmanaged package for the email templates. Hi Still getting the error after all the tries..Here are my rules..Please help[Opportunity].Account.Type Equals Picklist Prospect[Opportunity].AccountID Doesn't Equal Global Constant $GlobalConstantNull[Opportunity].Stage Equals Picklist Prospectingand for the immediate actions i have done it exactly as we have in screen shot published above.Please help. Not sure this is affecting the challenge. I am getting the same error, can you help me to resolve it in case you know the resolution. Create an lead assignment rule and make 2 rules entries and give order accordingly. did you got solution. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Robot Setup v3 process failed. Try something like this: CASE(MOD([Opportunity].CloseDate + 180 - DATE(1900, 1, 7),7), 0, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 181, 6, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 182, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 180), This formula below is not working for me either - same error message: A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date. The "duh" question- probably not what is wrong! It indicates, "Click to perform a search". [Opportunity].AccountId Does not equal Global Constant $GolbalConstant.Null 2. . If you get stuck again, I'm happy to take a look! Creating a Flow component for me was the hardest part; it didnt actually display any results, but when I took the chance and hit Check Challenge, it was happy enough that I had built the Flow and its component. In this part of challenge, we gonna create a flow which takes some input from user and will return list of Product record. If you want First Ascent, dont use Check Challenge to test what youve built. Select queue to Note: If you face any trouble in any of the challenge, comment below. Can anyone help me out here.Regards,Ashish, Hi,I did changed the CRITERIA to one. Thank you again!!!! When I take away the Related to ID field away on the Prospect node of the process builder, I get the error that a task is not created for the owner. Test it yourself before you hit the button. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Business Administration Specialist Superbadge- 3 & 4 Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist Superbadge - 5-6 Apex Class Go to Developer Console >>> File >>> Open >>> Apex Class Click on WarehouseSyncScheduleTest class >>> Open A template of the apex class will be opened, write your code there- @ isTest public class WarehouseSyncScheduleTest { @ isTest static void WarehousescheduleTest (){ String scheduleTime = '00 00 01 * * ?' Easy!)). First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, error: [Name]"Any ideas? Tips on passing the Process Automation Specialist Superbadge on Click on the Your process looks perfect. Go to action on the last node where we set up robo record. The superbadge covers: Assignment rules Sales processes and record types Roll-up summary fields Validation rules Process Builder Approval processes A Flow to conditionally collect data and display in a screen Adding a flow component to your Lightning record page That means the case numbers inform which day of a week Opportunity was closed, 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday and so on. Save and Activate the flow.Now search Lightning App BuilderAdd New page: Select Record Type Label: Product_Quick_SearchObject: OpportunityPick any templateAnd Drag and drop Flows from Left palette, select the flow we made and Save! 6, "Saturday", "Error"), step 3: Then add an Apex action to your process. Finally I saw your screen shot and realized I wasn't relating my task back to the opportunity. UPPER(ShippingCountry) =='' 4, "Thursday", The entry criteria are not correct nor are the final approval / rejection steps. Not sure what it means. I'm Sandeep Yadav. Now it's working :)But I've caught a little problem with the next step - there are no such products in my Playground. Remember that Salesforce calculates DateDiff in days, so I did 365*2 and it was happy with that. Why don't you email a few screen shots to me? ), validation rule Name ==> State Validation rule for billing add Mail you all the screen shot too. It is something smart to have in a real-life process anyway! Please contact your system administrator for more information. 3 field updates.Hope this helps! You are missing one condition.2) Look at your "create a prospect" task. Record Page Properties are as follows, CASE( MOD( Date__c DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), 0, Sunday, 1, Monday, 2, Tuesday, 3, Wednesday, 4, Thursday, 5, Friday, 6, Saturday,Error), Or You can use this formula also instead of above formula, CASE(WEEKDAY( Date__c ),1, Sunday,2, Monday,3, Tuesday,4, Wednesday,5, Thursday,6, Friday,7, Saturday,Text(WEEKDAY( Date__c ))), Create Another Process Builder (Name: Robot Setup). Sharing is caring. Is that correct? Can you please help me to resolve it incase you know the resolution. Hi Trailhead Baby,Thanks for this awesome tips page. I'll need the information for the node and the immediate actions. {!myVariable_current.AccountId} (0012E00001pUftIQAS) Does not equal null3. {!myVariable_current.StageName} (Negotiation/Review) Equals Negotiation/Review2. Checked it many many times. You start as a prospect and end up as a closed/won customer. I kept it to Null and wasted 2 days of time ;(, Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Name ==> State Validation rule The screenshots are in the blog post. When you are selecting the field:Opportunity is the starting object.Click on the drop down- and scroll down.The items with a ">" next to them will expand to related fields.Scroll down past the ">" options, and you will see the fields directly related to the opportunity object including OpportunityID. Curious if you have seen this error.Regards, Hello- Yes I have seen this error before. Lead State must be valid 2-digit US state. in the step 1 you dont say that we need to activate the assignment rule. wow, thank you for such a quick reply! Give your Salesforce admin these details. Give your Salesforce admin these details. Frankly, I didn't check the process with an actual record - which is a good idea! Is their anyway I can share my screen shots please? : []What I am getting from this error message It has something to do with my validation rule but I deactivate my validation rule I still got the error. Formula ==> AND(!ISBLANK( State ), LEN( State ) != 2), Step 4 : Create 2 queue Having 3+ years of working experience in Salesforce domain. Hey there! You have June 26, 2001.3) Robot Setup Record- Read the instructions carefully and note the "date" requirement. The condition to check for billing and shipping states are inside AND. Tips for Passing the Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge Even the subject. IRL this wouldnt happen! A positive- the screenshot you emailed of the "send marketing materials" action has all the correct criteria! Manager Reject -> Stage = Negotiation / Review and Unlock Record. I am getting the below error while checking challenge. (You can also email screenshots) I'm happy to look at some screenshots via email, but I like to do as much posting here as possible in order to help others that may face the same issue. Process Automation Specialist - Qiita If the problem continues, get in touch with your administrator with the error ID shown here and any other related details. I based my formula on the formula field I created earlier (to calculate the day of the week). billing specialist superbadge challenge 6 - catip.org.pk Please go through this it will definitely help you -. * Approval actions on the approval process- The only thing you need here are field updates. Want to share a concept or story? assign the lead to -. In challenge 5 there is a hyperlink on robotsetup too. Thanks all - I figured out what I did incorrect. I had two. No idea why this weird issue is happening. Whenever I hit a snag, I usually pull out of setup and start creating my own test records within the org to find out what is broken. (Not a specific person). This value is empty. {!myVariable_current.Account.Type} (Customer - Channel) Equals Prospect2. Hi Trailhead Baby,I am getting below error:A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'. [https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t46000001Zch4], Step 3 : Create validation rule on lead object. There's the possibility of sorting by one column then the next - get to know the dropdown menus at the top of each column The report has to be a summary report. An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Search for the approval process and select an opportunity object. {!myVariable_current.Account.Type} (Customer - Channel) Equals Prospect2. Node 1- Tweak quite a bit. process automation specialist superbadge step 1 A few things to check:1) Is your formula configured to NOT allow robot setups on weekends?2) Does the setup record relate back to the opportunity? IF Deal is Negotiation[Opportunity].StageName equals Negotatiation/Review[Opportunity].Amount greater than 100 000Submit for Approval ((Opportunity: AmountGREATER OR EQUAL100000) AND (Opportunity: StageEQUALSNegotiation/Review) + Next Automated Approver Determined By Manager of Record Submitter)4. Did you get it resolved? Hi again,This was actually my second node. Check out the transcript of the "Automate Setups" video: "We need to make sure that any robot setup date that would fall on Saturday or Sunday is set to the following Monday instead." Probably you missed to create Immediate Action Awaiting Approval, which is strictly required and given on instructional video. type = rollup summary ( on opportunity function Max aggreate field-close date criteria- stage=close won), e)Deal win percent Let's get started. Navigated to process builder and unable to find field opportunity.account.type and all. A few hints:* The first node should have 4 criteria plus conditional logic* The second node should have 3Recommendation: Read through the instructions again and sketch out the process on paper before starting in Salesforce. Thank you; got by that error and now working on my other errors. What does your current process look like? Process Automation Specialist: Automate Opportunities Requirements: New Opportunity Created for Account Type = Prospect OR Customer, send Email to Finance Team, create Task for Account Owner ONLY for Prospect. It doesn't make sense.Rework the formula- it is actually a pretty simple one - with only two conditions. On the trailhead community profile as well as on the Resume! Just update your process builder with single condition where it checks Opportunity as closed one, remove all your other 3 conditions. (Hint: Remember to click on the "stop" button at the end of each node to change it to "evaluate the next criteria" until you hit the final node.). Try putting the $$$ requirement into the approval process entry criteria. Notify the opportunity owner when an opportunity is approved or rejected.Upon Activating the process I am getting followoing error messageChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Automate record creation using Apex triggers 2. rev 2021.2.24.38653. ; Test . I fixed that by deactivating that validation.Then I got an error message:A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date. Happy to take a look- rebecca@capstorm.com. Can you double check that you emailed:rebecca@capstorm.com ? The approval process is straightforward. High Value Residential This report includes: 1 filter, 1 grouping, and 1 summarized field. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We cant save this record because the Opportunity Status Change process failed. I created some products myself when I realised I hadnt actually followed the rules and created a new trailhead playground for this task; I was using my own org. Superbadges are proof of worthiness! : Opportunity Stage = Negotiation/Review and Opportunity Amount > 100,000, Node 4 Criteria. Hi! Thanks Trailhead Baby. Web. The entry criteria is missing one thing A record needs to match the account type and the stage name. CronTri, Hi Rangers, Welcome to the month of February, time to unleash new sphere of learning. Start by adding a field to OpportunityApproval: Checkbox typeIdeally, the sales reps shouldnt be able to check that box and only system administrators like and sales managers should be able to check it. Error ID: 2146461946-632512 (157788690): []. I've just completed the step. Help on Superbadge Process Automation specialist Step 6. Under Record Collection: Add New Resource Filterresult: Variable Type as below. Don't forget to activate the process after changes are made! First, you must pass the Approval Process Management Superbadge Unit to achieve this badge. Error ID: 1196242369-26704 (1684581515): []Hear My criteria ISOpportunity.Account.Type Equals Picklist ProspectOpportunity.StageName Equals Picklist Prospecting [Opportunity].AccountId Does not equal Global Constant $GolbalConstant.NullAction on Task RecordCreate a Record:Record Type: TaskDue Date Only: TODAY() + 7Assigned TO ID: [Opportunity].Account.OwnerIdPriority: HighStatus: In ProgressSubject: Send Marketing MaterialsRelated to ID: [Opporunity].Id. Take a break, grab a snack, and watch this video. Could not find an active Flow named Product Quick Search. Criteria based on $ belong in the approval process only.- There are 2 entry criteria for the approval process. Hii, A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 3011I000000DAEO. No matter how I change my date formula for the Robot Setup process, I get: A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date.My current formula looks like this (included comments): CASE( MOD([Opportunity].CloseDate - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), 0, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 1 + 180, /* Sun: CloseDate + 1 wknd day + 180 days */ 4, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 2 + 180, /* Thurs: CloseDate + 2 wknd days + 180 days */ 5, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 2 + 180, /* Fri: CloseDate + 2 wknd days + 180 days */ 6, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 2 + 180, /* Sat: CloseDate + 2 wknd days + 180 days */ [Opportunity].CloseDate + 180 /* Default (Mon/Tue/Wed): CreatedDate + 180 days */)I am getting an email alert that an opportunity needs my approval.Would you mind taking a look? Have you:Created a user named Nushi Davoud & assigned him to be your manager? There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.NullPointerException: Argument cannot be null. Appreciate your inputs. Prospect node of process builder:Opportunity.Stage equals prospectingOpportunity.AccountId does not equal $GlobalConstant.nullImmediate actions:Email finance group Create task:Due date only = TODAY() Assigned to ID = Opportunity.AccountID.OwnerIdPriority = HighStatus = Not startedSubject= send marketing materialsIf I try to add the related to ID field it automatically goes back to the first critique that the process couldn't run. This blog consists of all four challenges of Approval Process Management include Set up . I'll do my best! UPPER(BillingCountry) =='USA', Process automation specialist step 6 flow builder. (high school algebra 2). I've read all postings related to this and went thru what I've but couldn't find the error. It was fine with that. Based on LeadSource value lead should be assign to correct sales team (Queue). I am managing to solve everything by myself, but I wonder something. hey Amar, Did this way back in time trying LWC these days. * Read the "challenge 5" instructions above the check challenge button very carefully. How frustrating!A few tips for the "Negotiation/Review" and "Approval" parts:- The node within process builder only needs 1 criteria for executing actions. Hi Bareera,I emailed some suggestions. This field:Establishes a hierarchical relationship, preventing you from selecting a user that directly or indirectly reports to itself.Allows Chatter to recommend people and records to follow based on your org's reporting structure.This field is especially useful for creating hierarchical workflow rules and approval processes without creating more hierarchy fields.Should fix the issue :), Hello, I am stuck on this error followed by an email : Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. label - Robot Setup I have tried few changes as recommended in this thread but no avail. Breast Cancer at 29 REALLY?! Have anybody solved this before?Thank you in advance! First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Robot Sales 014 process failed. Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers We Swear By! Concepts we use to complete this Superbadge: Important Pre-works before you start doing this Superbadge: These three are very important to avoid any error while doing challenges in the superbadge. Hi Kona, Would you like to share what you have so far, and I'll take a look? NOT (OR ( BillingCountry = 'US', BillingCountry = 'USA', BillingCountry = 'United State'. Forgetting to activate is an easy oops. Please spend a few minutes to go through the following Flow diagram and understand it. Hello,while executing i am getting this error.Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.is there anything i could do to get this right? Missing ) . You can open dev console in a separate window and try running the process. Just open the debug logs and check. Automation Champion Approach I-do. Note the filter. ) CASE(MOD([Opportunity].CloseDate - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), 0, [Opportunity].CloseDate+182, 1, [Opportunity].CloseDate+181,2, [Opportunity].CloseDate+180,3, [Opportunity].CloseDate+180,4, [Opportunity].CloseDate+180,5, [Opportunity].CloseDate+180,6, [Opportunity].CloseDate+180,null)I checked in the calendar that the 7th of January 1900 was a Monday. Test Scheduling logic Hi Rangers , Great going !!! i am stuck with the same issue, and i tried to open the reference link.. bbut the page was not found.Pulling my brain for past 13 hours on this step..Please help. I will send you an email - Thanks! Flow error messages: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Although my problem is solved I'm still trying to understand. Please try again. Thanks Trailhead Baby this was very helpful!!! Did you figure this out I am also getting the same error stuck on this challenge since 2 days. "Notify the account owner."* Activate the approval process once changes are made, or you get a funky error message. Assigned to ID- [Opportunity].Account.OwnerID is correct.I just posted a full walk through of this process specially for you. AND( Amount > 100000, ISPICKVAL(StageName, 'Closed Won'), Approved__c = false ), Whenever an opportunity is created for Prospect type account, Send Email alert to Finance Group. It is highly recommended to print the video transcripts, because there are a multitude of brief instructions that are easy to overlook while watching. Both of the validation rules on the Opportunity and Account objects were giving me trouble so I made them inactive. 2) My first node focuses on two types of current customers and the prospects. I am close to give it up, somehow the time is not worth it. Stage is field label and StageName is a field name so that shouldn't be a problem , i updated the Related to ID to [Opportunity].Id still i see the same issue. This process involves 4 total nodes. Dear Trailhead Baby:)And greetings from Finland where lives Santa himself, so I'd propose you to be kind to me and help me sort it out what's my issue regarding Superbadge Process Automation #5. If you need more help, leave a comment! {!myVariable_current.StageName} (Negotiation/Review) Equals Negotiation/Review2. This error i get while validating 5 step. Step-1 : Validation rule on Lead to verify Country and State field. An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Reference: https://trailheadbaby.blogspot.com/2017/10/special-post-for-bcs-assistance-on.html There have been a lot of questions about this step, so I posted a walk through of the process.