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In 1943, the Nazis began drafting women because of the shortage of guards. Faces of evil: Eerie portraits of female guards of Nazi concentration The first trial was held from 25 April to 31 May 1946, against 30 ex-officials and prisoner-guards of the camp. "You didn't know if the officers were acting on orders, or if they did it on their breaks," he said. Two weeks later, on September 15th 1939 . She was recorded to have been 6ft 3 and known as the "Sadist of Stutthof" due to her merciless beatings of female prisoners. The death sentences were carried out on July 4, 1946 at the Biskupia Grka in Gdask, by short-drop hanging.[3]. Anyone marching who didn't have the strength was shot," said Mr Goldberg. Contents Tour to stutthof concentration camp Camp Staff Prisoners Conditions One prominent inmate and survivor of the Stutthof concentration camp was member of parliament for the Communist Party of Denmark Martin Nielsen, who detailed his deportation to, experience in and ensuing death march from the camp in his book Rapport fra Stutthof ('Report from Stutthof'). 13 Amazing Photos of the Construction of the Empir. [2], During the first trial held at Gdask from April 25, 1946, to May 31, 1946, the joint Soviet/Polish Special Criminal Court tried and convicted of crimes against humanity a group of thirteen ex-officials and overseers of the Stutthof concentration camp in Sztutowo and its Bromberg-Ost subcamp for women located in the city of Bydgoszcz. [10], Among the notable female guard personnel were: Elisabeth Becker, Erna Beilhardt, Ella Bergmann, Ella Blank, Gerda Bork, Herta Bothe, Erna Boettcher, Hermine Boettcher-Brueckner, Steffi Brillowski, Charlotte Graf, Charlotte Gregor, Charlotte Klein, Gerda Steinhoff, Ewa Paradies, and Jenny-Wanda Barkmann. On this date in 1946, officials of Soviet-occupied Poland publicly hanged eleven convicted war criminals of the Stutthof concentration camp. Over 4,000 were sent by small boat to Germany, some to the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg, and some to camps along the Baltic coast. The 99-year-old was under investigation over suspected complicity in the murders that took place at the Ravensbrck Nazi concentration camp, where tens of thousands of women were killed. (08.08.2019), One of the last trials against an ex-concentration camp guard began Thursday in Hamburg. In September 1942, Bothe became the SS Aufseherin camp guard at the Nazi German Ravensbrck concentration camp for women. [11] In December 2018, the trial was suspended, since the convict had to be hospitalized for serious heart and kidney problems. The initiative for the foundation of SS companies dealing in building materials from concentration camps originated in 1937 with regional SS officials in Thuringia, especially the state's Interior Minister Hellmuth Gommlich []. The original camp (known as the old camp) was surrounded by barbed-wire fences. One camp which was established in Poland was Stutthof Concentration Camp, and throughout its time in operation around 65,000 people died at the camp. The Stutthof trials were a series of war crime tribunals held in postwar Poland for the prosecution of Stutthof concentration camp staff and officials, responsible for the murder of up to 85,000 prisoners during the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany in World War II. Often low paid workers who took the roles to earn more cash, they were trained at the all-women Ravensbruck camp, in Northern Germany, where they became hardened to the cruel torture of inmates and learned to administer punishments with boots, truncheons, whips and riding crops. Germany: Ex-Nazi camp guard dies, ending case against him. The Stutthof concentration camp in Poland. per adult (price varies by group size) Private transportation to the Stutthof Concentration Camp 4 hour. A crematorium and gas chamber[9] were added in 1943, just in time to start mass executions when Stutthof was included in the "Final Solution" in June 1944. Tens of thousands of people, perhaps as many as 100,000, were deported to the Stutthof camp. Inside of the barbed wire fences, horror and brutality was administered by the SS guards and workers inside of the camps. Semkw states that the presence of human fat tissue has been confirmed in the samples of soapy grease (claimed to be "unfinished soap"[23]) from Danzig presented during the trials through analysis performed by the IPN and Gdask University of Technology in 2011[24][25] and 2006,[26][27] respectively, but his and Tomkiewicz research concluded that this was a byproduct stemming from Spanner's work in bone maceration at the institute unrelated to the Stutthof camp. From left to right: Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, Ewa Paradies, Elisabeth Becker, Wanda Klaff, and Gerda Steinhoff. When is Eurovision and how do you get tickets? Harry S: 96-year-old accused of being Nazi concentration camp guard During the Second World War, there were a huge network of concentration camps established by the Third Reich. Over 4,000 were sent by small boat to Germany, some to the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg, and some to camps along the Baltic coast. In total, 23,566 Jews (including 21,817 women) were transferred to Stutthof from Auschwitz, and 25,053 (including 16,123 women) from camps in the Baltic states. Several lesser known trials followed against the staff of various concentration camps. His testimony is part of a court case against a 93-year-old former guard. "I was first in Stutthof in August '43 for close to a month and then two other [camps] before I returned at the end of 1944 for a second time," he told the BBC. The girl was later declared dead by camp doctors. It is estimated that around 65,000 people were murdered during the Holocaust in the Stutthof concentration camp, near the Polish city now called Gdansk. swisslotto. More than 85,000 victims died in the camp out of as many as 110,000 inmates deported there. [3], A range of German organisations and individuals used Stutthof prisoners as forced laborers. Stutthof Trial (April-May 1946) - Jewish Virtual Library Among these sites was the Stutthof camp. Poland held four trials in Gdask against former guards and kapos of Stutthof, charging them with crimes of war and crimes against humanity. Loved seeing the nazi scum hanging,i hope they suffered a long agonising death. The Stutthof trials were a series of war crime tribunals held in postwar Poland for the prosecution of Stutthof concentration camp staff and officials, responsible for the murder of up to 85,000 prisoners during the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany in World War II. He remembers searching for his mother, who had been in the women's camp at Stutthof, when he came across his friend Zigi. Twelve were sentenced to death, including the commander of the guards Johann Pauls, while the remainder were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. She also personally selected women and children for the gas chambers, on one occasion, in 1944, sending 3,000 to their death. Thousands were taken to the Baltic Sea where they were executed, and many more were killed by the brutal SS guards and officers. [19][20][21], Historian Joachim Neander argued that, contrary to some claims made in the previous years, what the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) calls the "chemical substance which was essentially soap"[22] was the byproduct of Spanner's bone maceration processes done to create anatomical models at the Danzig Anatomical Institute, where he worked and which was not part of the Stutthof camp. The camp is east of modern-day Gdansk and a short walk from the sea. Among the 55,000 guards at the concentration camps, 10,000 were women and they were trained to be every bit as vicious as their male counterparts. The next three trials took place at the same court in October 831, 1947, November 510, and in November 1929 of that year. Former secretary at Stutthof concentration camp sentenced to juvenile [37] On 23 July 2020, he was given a two-year suspended sentence by the court in Hamburg. Who is Rod Ponton and why has he gone viral? She earned a horrific legacy and nickname despite only working for a year. Some prisoners worked in SS-owned businesses such as the German Equipment Works (DAW), located near the camp. While I was standing, she kicked me in my back, causing me to fall. It was during this time as a slave labourer that he met lifelong friend Zigi Shipper. Who is Buffalo Allina Clinic shooting suspect Gregory Ulrich and who are the victims? Why Are There Superstitions Around Black Cats? [14], Stutthof's registered inmates included citizens of 28 countries, and besides Jews and Poles Germans, Czechs, Dutch, Belgians, French, Norwegians, Finns, Danes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Belarusians, Russians, Croats and others. [2], In 1953 the court in Gdask tried SS-man Bielawa (SS Rottenfhrer Paul Bielawa, a prisoner guard from the 3rd company in Stutthof between 194145)[1] and sentenced him to twelve years. Nicknamed 'Beautiful Spectre', she was infamous for her brutal treatment of the prisoners. She also personally hanged young female prisoners and beat two women to death with a leather whip. Thirty-four female guards including Becker, Bothe, Steinhoff, Paradies, and Barkmann were identified later as having committed crimes against humanity. If I ever meet up with you I WILL kill you. But the former nurse became known as the Sadist of Stutthof due to the vicious beatings she meted out to inmates at the camp, in Nazi-occupied Poland. The following gut-twisting images are among a number to be found here. A former SS guard at a concentration camp, charged with aiding and abetting hundreds of murders, is standing trial in Mnster's district court. It was turned into a concentration camp by its second commandant, SS-Hauptsturmfhrer Josef Kramer, and was used to house those prisoners who had become too weak to work as forced labour in German factories. Its unknown why she would voluntarily seek work at a concentration camp so late in the war, but it was likely due to some misplaced sense of nationalism. [19][28] It was also added that Spanner was arrested twice after the war but released after each time after explaining how he had conducted the maceration and injection process of his models and was declared "clean" by the denazification program in 1948, officially exonerated, and resumed his academic career. She then ordered her dog, known as the big, bad, wolfhound to attack the sick girl, who was sitting on the ground, She later died from the bites. Gas chambers had been in operation in Nazi death camps since 1942 in German-occupied Poland but it was not until June 1944 that Zyklon B gas was used at Stutthof. The Stutthof concentration camp was the first to be established by the Nazi regime outside Germany's borders, and one of the last to be liberated. [citation needed], The camp staff consisted of German SS guards and, after 1943, the Ukrainian auxiliaries brought in by SS-Gruppenfhrer Fritz Katzmann, the Higher SS and Police Leader of the area. SS-Sturmbannfhrer Max Pauly was put on trial by a British military court in Germany but not for the crimes committed at Stutthof; only as the commandant of the Neuengamme concentration camp in Hamburg. Jenny-Wanda Barkmann - Liberation Route Europe This week, a 95-year-old woman was arrested in Germany and charged with complicity in the murders of 10,000 people - the first such case in recent years. Read more:Poland moves to make it illegal to say 'Polish death camps'. One survivor, Lila Givner, told her 1978 trial: Kobyla was tall. In perhaps the last ever Nazi war crimes trial, Irmgard Furchner attended court in Germany for more than a year as prosecutors outlined their case against her. Jenny Barkmann: The "Beautiful Spectre" of Stutthof Jenny-Wanda Barkmann was born on May 30, 1922, in Hamburg. Former farmworker Irma Grese had wanted to become a nurse but, at 17, the labour exchange sent her to work at Ravensbrck concentration camp - which held 132,000 women throughout the war. [7], In 1942 the first German female SS Aufseherinnen guards arrived at Stutthof along with female prisoners. 1946: Eleven from the Stutthof concentration camp The rest of the prisoners were marched in the direction of Lauenburg in eastern Germany. Shortly before the German surrender, some prisoners were transferred to Malmo, Sweden, and released to the care of that neutral country. This week, a 95-year-old woman was arrested in Germany and charged with complicity in the murders of 10,000 people - the first such case in recent years. [1] None of the Stutthof commandants were ever tried in Poland. PoznaGniezno 2011, page 131 . Feb. 5, 2021 Public prosecutors in Germany have indicted a 95-year-old woman for her role supporting the Nazi killing machinery as a secretary in a concentration camp, charging her with 10,000. Key and copyright. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. Why Germany Prosecutes the Aged for Nazi Roles It - The New York Times wikipedia.en/ A report by the Seventh Army, written by Lieutenant Colonel Walter J. Fellenz, mentions a total of 17 guards killed. Originally, Stutthof was a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief. A 97-year-old former secretary to the SS commander of Nazi Germany's Stutthof concentration camp has been found guilty of being an accessory to 10,505 murders. All were found guilty and eleven were sentenced to death, including the Commandant Johann Pauls. We will rise again and we will destroy ALL of you scum who revel in this disgusting obscene filth. Germany: Accused Nazi camp guard dies, ending case against him In December, a 97-year-old former Nazi camp secretary was found guilty of being complicit in the murder of over 10,000 people at the Stutthof concentration camp that was located in occupied Poland. A 99-year-old who was being investigated on suspicion of complicity in murder as a former Nazi camp guard has died, ending the case against him, German prosecutors said Tuesday. Former Stutthof prisoners volunteered to serve as executioners for the public hanging on July 4, 1946. The fifth trial was held before the court in Toru in 1949. In 1944, as forced labor by concentration camp prisoners became increasingly important in armaments production, a Focke-Wulff airplane factory was constructed at Stutthof. A much higher total was reported by Colonel Howard A. Buechner, the chief medical officer of the 45th Infantry Division, who was at the camp during and after the liberation. There was no evidence to link him to specific killings, and though he admitted to serving at the camp, he said that he was unaware that people were being murdered there. Another prisoner said Bormann grabbed another female prisoner by the hair, threw her to the ground and ordered dogs to bite her so severely that she was a mass of blood. The woman died at the scene. [2] The accused were arraigned before the court and all found guilty. . She died in 1989. Like many of his fellow inmates, the man would be murdered and stripped of his skin - which would be used to make a lampshade in Kochs home. The area was secluded: to the north was the Bay of Danzig, to the east the Vistula Bay, and to the west the Vistula River. Bruno Dey, a 93-year-old former SS guard at the Stutthof concentration camp near what is now . When she was 22, Barkmann began actively seeking work in the concentration camps. Bruno Dey, a teenager at the time in question, was convicted of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder. 1939). [33] In February 2019 the trial of a defendant matching this description (whom Reuters reported could not be named for legal reasons) was halted after a medical report was issued stating that the defendant was unfit to stand trial, the trial already having been suspended since the previous December. [2][5], The fourth trial was also held before a Polish Special Criminal Court, from November 19, 1947, to November 29, 1947. Stutthof concentration camp - Wikipedia National Socialism is destruction , terror, repression, waste, and death. Established on September 2, 1939, Stutthof was the first concentration camp outside German borders during World War II. Apprehended after the war, she was sentenced and publicly hanged in Gdansk. Jenny-Wanda Barkmann - Europe Remembers When the Allies tried the perpetrators of the Holocaust after the end of the war, the public was surprised by the beastly behavior of female guards like Irma Grese and Elisabeth Volkenrath, who often committed worse acts than their male counterparts. Prisoners sent straight to gas chambers didn't receive anything. Sign up here. [7], In late April 1945, the remaining prisoners were removed from Stutthof by sea, since the camp was completely encircled by Soviet forces. [23][22][29], The main German concentration camp in Stutthof had as many as 40 sub-camps during World War II. [13] Other sources say that the camp staff shot most remaining inmates in a mass murder. A former SS guard wept in the dock on the first day of his trial for complicity in mass murder at a Nazi concentration camp during the second world war . 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Isle Koch in an internment centre after her arrest, Women prisoners are put to work at Ravensbruck concentration camp, A roll call at Buchenwald camp, where Ilse Koch chose her victims, Ilse Koch at her trial in Germany in 1950, 'Tattooed human skin' found at the house of Ilse Koch after her arrest, Tattooed swatches are shown at the trial of Ilse Koch, Irma Grese beat women to death in the concentration camps, A boy walks down a road lined with dead prisoners from the Belsen camp, after its liberation in 1945, Elizabeth Volkenrath selected victims for the gas chamber, Hermine Braunstein was known as the "stomping mare", Hertha Bothe was known as the Sadist of Stutthof, Maria Mandl stripped and beat women "mercilessly", Female Nazi guards tortured and killed thousands, beat naked women to death & made lampshades from human skin, Prince Charles and Camilla BOTH receive their first dose of Covid vaccine, Moment pregnant newlywed, 18, and husband, 19, veer on wrong side of road in 89mph police chase before dying in crash. It has been estimated that around half of the evacuated prisoners, over 25,000, died during the evacuation from Stutthof and its subcamps. Nevertheless, Pauly was executed in 1946. [4], Stutthof was the first German concentration camp set up outside German borders in World WarII, in operation from 2 September 1939. It was in 1943 that Stutthof's population of detainees was dramatically enlarged, from a capacity of 4,000 to 25,000. Do you know this baby? DW sends out a daily selection of hard news and quality feature journalism. The Stutthof concentration camp is less well known than the camps at Auschwitz, Buchenwald or Dachau. On a huge hill in Gdansk, the condemned guards including Jenny-Wanda Barkmann were executed on a huge gallows and it was said that around 200,000 people witnessed the executions of the former concentration camp guards.Join us today as we look at, 'The JUSTIFIED Executions Of The Guards Of Stutthof Concentration Camp.' Support the channel by subscribing, liking, and sharing. Follow me on Twitter: me on Instagram: All opinions and comment stated below in the Comments section do not represent the opinion of TheUntoldPast. Finally, in January 1942, Stutthof became a regular concentration camp. In mid-1950s, a number of Nazi concentration camp commandants were sentenced to jail for supervising the murder of Jewish prisoners in gas chambers between 19421944, including Otto Knott[pl], Otto Haupt[pl] and Bernard Ldtke[pl]. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [13], In October 2019, Bruno Dey from Hamburg was accused of contributing to the killings of 5,230 prisoners at Stutthof camp between 1944 and 1945. Putting names to archive photos, The children left behind in Cuba's mass exodus, In photos: India's disappearing single-screen cinemas. Female guards of the Stutthof Concentration Camp at a Gdask war trial held before the Special Law Court between 25th April and 31st May of 1946, Poland. When Jenny Barkmann arrived in 1944, she quickly proved herself to be a perfect Nazi guard. After the war a number of war crimes trials took place called the Stutthof Trials, and following these there were a number of executions. Edited by G. ukomski, G. Kucharski. ", How nine women escaped from a Nazi death march, Historic ocean treaty agreed after decade of talks, China looks at reforms to deepen Xi's control, Inside the enclave surrounded by pro-Russia forces, 'The nurses wanted me to feel guilty about my abortion, From Afghan TV fame to a US factory floor. It was in 1943 that Stutthof's population of detainees was dramatically enlarged, from a capacity of 4,000 to 25,000. Arrested with Josef Kramer - the Beast of Belsen - Grese was sentenced to death by the British Military Court and, in December 1945, she was hanged. Buffalo shooting - 'Gunman' Gregory Ulrich 'held grudge against docs for refusing him painkillers' before killing nurse. [7][8] Finally, in January 1942, Stutthof became a regular concentration camp. [38], In July 2021, a 96-year-old German secretary, Irmgard Furchner, who had been part of KZ Stutthof was arrested to be tried for war crimes. Most of the original detainees were local Poles and Jews when Stutthof was built in 1939 as the first Nazi camp outside Germany's borders in World War Two. The major subcamps were in Toru (Thorn) and in Elblg (Elbing). [3] Gassing with Zyklon B began in June 1944. The prisoners were marched in the direction of Lauenburg in eastern Germany. Stutthof. Why Did Ancient Egyptian Men Wear Makeup? Standing at 6ft 3in, Hertha Botte was an imposing figure, who also stood out from other SS guards because she wore civilian clothing instead of the hated uniform. Millions of people suffered and died or were killed. Woman, 95, Indicted on 10,000 Counts of Accessory to Murder in Nazi Camp This days condemned camp commandant Johann Pauls, five male kapos, and five female guards were the product of the first of four Stutthof trials held in 1946-1947. Overseeing working parties that left the camp ln slave labour, she would attack women who became too sick or weak. Arraigned 27 ex-officials and guards were judged; 26 were found guilty, and one was acquitted. . Nazi trial: 100-year-old SS guard in court in Germany - BBC News Sadistic Koch - known as the Witch of Buchenwald - was just one of many women who murdered, maimed and tortured Jewish prisoners in the Holocaust. [17] Between 63,000 and 65,000 people died in the camp. Former SS guard stands trial on murder accessory charges, Germany: 92-year-old former SS guard to face trial, Former Nazi concentration camp guard on trial in Hamburg, UN states finally strike deal to protect high seas. Shortly before the German surrender, some prisoners were transferred to Malm, Sweden, and released into the care of that neutral country. The land was very wet, almost at sea level. That same summer, Irmgard Furchner had begun working in the camp commander's headquarters as a shorthand typist. [7][18], There was a controversy regarding whether corpses from Stutthof were used in the production of soap made from human corpses at the lab of Professor Rudolf Spanner. Procesy", "KARA MIERCI W GDASKU 19451987 Encyklopedia Gdaska". An additional trial was attempted in November 2018, when Johann Rehbogen was accused of being an accessory to murder. At Auschwitz she would pick kids as pets, with one survivor recalling how she dressed one in fine clothing, parading it around like a puppet - only to send the child to the gas chamber when she got bored. In December, a 97-year-old former Nazi camp secretary was found guilty of being complicit in the murder of over 10,000 people at the Stutthof concentration camp that was located in occupied Poland. Even before the war began, the German Selbstschutz in Pomerania created lists of people to be arrested,[3] and the Nazi authorities were secretly reviewing suitable places to set up concentration camps in their area. Execution of concentration camp guards at Biskupia Gorka - Wikimedia [1][2] The actual barracks were built the following year by prisoners. Kobyla kicked me, and I still bear the scars. When the guilty verdict came in, she declared, Life is indeed a pleasure, and pleasures are usually short.. Stutthof Concentration Camp (Poland) - JewishGen He added that his "work" had involved cleaning the crematorium, which meant loading bones and other burnt remains onto a cart to be thrown into a trench. [2] SS-Rottenfhrer Emil Strehlau was sentenced by the court in Torun (Wloclawek) on April 23, 1948, to death for war crimes. Stutthof was a Nazi concentration camp established by Nazi Germany in a secluded, marshy, and wooded area near the village of Stutthof (now Sztutowo) 34 km (21 mi) east of the city of Danzig in the territory of the German-annexed Free City of Danzig.The camp was set up around existing structures after the invasion of Poland in World War II and initially used for the imprisonment of Polish . "We were beaten constantly, the whole time, even while working," Koryski told the Hamburg District Court. Ex-Nazi camp guard, dies, case against him ends - DW - 02/28/2023 Inside of the barbed wire fences, horror and brutality was administered by the SS. SVIZZERA-LOTTO www. [23][22], Polish historians and employees at the IPN; Monika Tomkiewicz and Piotr Semkw, reached similar conclusions. Manfred Goldberg's younger brother Herman was murdered by the Nazis but Manfred was eventually reunited with his mother, who was also at Stutthof, and later his father too in the UK. Concentration camp guard, 93, given suspended sentence in German case - CBC Landmark trial Bruno D. came to the.