Tenth level you are one with Source consciousness and know all is possible. A spiritual awakening can be triggered by anything, from the completely mundane to the completely life-altering. I do not know of anyone alive at this time in this full embodiment of source consciousness and presence, but this is where the ascension path is headed. Ascension symptoms have been experienced by many people over the last year, as we undergo a shift to a higher dimension and higher frequency on a spiritual level. You live in the here and now. Because your spirit is undergoing a full transformation, you will experience a lot of emotional struggles and even mental/physical pain. Lucid dreams,, As a result of the tremendous chemical and electromagnetic changes taking place within your brain you may suffer from headaches, blurred vision, weakened eyesight or hearing difficulties. Further ascension is not possible. It could be the death of a loved one, a divorce, near-death experience, life-threatening illness or something wonderful such as meeting that someone who is a soul mate, or having a spontaneous spiritual awakening such as from a healing modality (such as Reiki) or by simply asking for it. We are aware that while the planet is under going a shift to a higher frequency that, because she is a living moving energy system, all who reside within her energy fields will also experience this realignment. What does spiritual ascension mean? . Spiritual ascension is a process that leads to spiritual awakening. The 12 Levels of Ascension. Through your service to others and your continued clearing away of limiting beliefs, emotions, and past negative patterns, your heart actually opens. Feelings of detachment from the world are a common sign of spiritual ascension. Welcome to ascension! However, if you've "ascended" and are already operating from a higher vibrational frequency, smoking marijuana will lower your vibration. 5 Stages You May Experience. So, here are the phases to a spiritual awakening. You really do see others as they are your brothers and sisters and treat them as such. Removing Fear of Death. Many begin to question "why am I here". Physical Pains & Their Metaphysical Meanings. With your consciousness fully opened you will become godlike in your powers and join all other ascended Beings.". You may also feel isolated as if you cant talk to anyone else about your experiences. In the modern era, it undoubtedly means the convergence of cutting edge science with the wisdom of the ages. Safe Search. The goal is to live each moment to the fullest and to be the best version of yourself that you can be. It is possible for this to be a slow process that takes place over the course of many lives, or it is possible for it to occur more quickly via intensive inner effort and attunement with spirit. There is no separation and you will fully manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth and express the ecstasy of Spirit. While most will not achieve it, everyone who puts forth their efforts knows how challenging it can truly be. Secondly as many are enthusiastic and joyous at these changes, I would like to cover practical things that we can consciously do to build and increase the Light quotient in our own bodies. You may experience some ascension symptoms as you go through this process of spiritual awakening.However, these ascension symptoms are not inevitable and are not caused by the ascension . You can read more about the symptoms on my blog Ascension Signs and Symptoms of the Spiritual Awakening and Expanded Consciousness. The process of Ascension is another term for spiritual evolution. It is a multi-faceted experience that each person undergoes in unique ways. it's something that happens to you at the same time as your soul is moving towards ascension. You feel interconnected to all Being's everywhere and less connected to the opinions of others. You share words from your heart and soul and others may feel disorientated when dealing with you as they no longer have hooks into you to link with. Extreme sensitivity to being in public places or among groups, Author, Writer You might not know where you are right now but the more you work within the closer to where you desire to be you will become. However, one can classify this creation into levels - when the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhoea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Remember, you are not your past. Everything is energy and nothing is at rest. By this time the planet and her inhabitants will have been rewoven into Light to shine in their full glory as the final stages of this Divine Plan unfolds. 5. Everyone has a slightly different definition. Gab Do you find yourself having interrupted slumber hours? As you progress through the levels of ascension, you reconnect with your open heart, gain a greater sense of purpose . Spiritual Ascension is something a lot of people work towards. 8 Ascension Symptoms That Are Signs of Spiritual Awakening - Ask-Angels.com The goal of the spiritual ascension is to bring our pure souls back. By . Ascension Symptoms & Signs of Spiritual Awakening Emily is the founder, CEO, and writer for AglowLifestyle.A self-proclaimed "lifelong learner", Emily has combined her love of writing with her passion for spirituality to bring you the best articles on the law of attraction, manifestation, affirmations, and more. Creation of the Lightbody is due to the planets current transition process and is not an optional experience or process. Again you become much more aware of the vastness and multi-dimensionality of your nature, that you can be anything that you want to be, you cease to operate from obligation and relationships become transpersonal. All magical, occult, and religious orders have defined several and sometimes peculiar levels of power, consciousness, and wisdom through which one can evolve. Even though you havent overexerted any parts of your body, you will feel sensations of muscle pain here and there. It has its own consciousness to be directed by you. Being highly receptive of stimulations around you can feel overwhelming, but know that this is just a phase. If youve made it to the transformation stage, congratulations! From stage one, you move onto stage two. Be patient with yourself and keep moving forward. 14,778 Ascension Stock Photos, Images & Pictures. There seems to be a constant battle within you and you cant help but feel down when you recall certain past experiences. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow.". You may feel the thrills and chills when you connect to spirit. Ascension symptoms - Common signs and how to cope with them You're beginning to gain a mastery of some spiritual concepts and ideas. The first ascension stage is self-examination. The process of transition into Light is a gradual one. This means turning away from fear, from the lower vibrational emotions and experiences, and embodying love. You know you are on the right path. The ascension process is an evolutionary process, which on a spiritual level, involves the raising and expansion of human consciousness. Twelfth level the continuation of the Creation and implementation of the New World systems hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into existence new governments, new financial and educational systems, better system of food and resource allocation etc. When you reach your goal you will also realize that we are never done learning and we can always grow. ALL are stages of progression and reflect our changing perception. This means raising the quality of our thoughts, increasing our emotional intelligence, and bringing us closer to the presence of the Divine. The planet goes to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a multi-star system where everyone is a lightbody and follows Spirit in total Mastery. 8. Second level the etheric blueprint floods with light and releases karmic experiences, individuals may feel disoriented as well as experience of bouts of flu. You may find it hard to find words to express yourself as you may think in geometries and tones. Youll begin to accept your past and understand how it made you who you are today. The Physical Level. Youre feeling more compassionate towards others. But overall, they want to assist humans with ascension and to raise deeper awareness of spiritual entities. Decluttering has tons of psychological benefits. You may even feel pushed to travel to sacred places (such as Machu Picchu, Sedona or Stonehenge). From the 7th, 8th and 9th the inner light noticeably radiates out and by now you feel unbelievably grounded, connected, centered, filled with purpose and desiring only to serve. Because of this, it is important to be careful about how you use marijuana on the path to spiritual growth. This will create a much more highly evolved planet and a much more highly evolved human being. Resolution. This has been esoterically called the "path of probation". The journey of spiritual ascension is one of self-discovery and growth, ultimately leading us back to our source. Making the leap can be fearful even though we have evolved through eons of time to reach this point. Some days we feel connected and joyous, others we are in fear and caught up in survival issues. The term spiritual Ascension means a magical awakening of your soul into a higher level of consciousness. 4. The earth is spiritually awakening out of the darkness, denseness, and dis-ease of the 3 rd Dimension to reach higher planes of existence known as the 4 th and 5 th Dimensions. While some people start out on higher levels than others, the end goal is the same. Ascension meaning points that your entire system is restarting, being advanced. This means that your soul is running a cleanse. The 9th level sees a mass descension of the Lightbody into physical form. You find your passion and begin implementing it in your life. 5. Now that youve got one foot in the spiritual world and one foot in the material world, its time to integrate the two. Lucid dreams, and dj vu become increasingly frequent. seem normal and natural to us. It is the process of transformation in which our frequencies are raised to a higher level of consciousness. 2. Understanding Dimensions, Densities and Ascension This spiritual transformation involves a series of events that are intended to expand our consciousness and elevate our energies. You may read books, attend workshops, or go on retreats. 9. As with the 3rd and 6th, this level sees a strong re-evaluation as we begin the final surrender to Spirit and we truly become the Divine instrument. 1. Currently, the 5 th Dimension is the goal for humanity to ascend to and is available for us all to move into while still inhabiting a physical body. You operate from a deep level of serenity with heightened sensitivity and awareness yet feel grounded and transformed. First level when the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. 2. The Five Forms Of Spiritual Ascension - Spirit Science Click The Button Below For Free Instant Access! Go within. As you move into this stage you will begin to feel the push and pull of the energies around you. You release the desire for and the energy to sustain the game of separation and limitation and feel truly free. We tap into our inherent wisdom and power, and we start to live more from our authentic selves. The ascension process is what you go through as you transition from being solely focused on the physical as a 3D limited physical being into full awareness of your spiritual nature, power and light.. As you progress through the levels of ascension, you reconnect with your open heart, gain a greater sense of purpose and awakening, and merge with your higher selves. Without experiencing a spiritual awakening, we go throughout life pursuing the emptiness of money, fame, power, and respect in an attempt to find 'happiness.' The . Drink plenty of water. First level - when the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. The status quo will be trying to pull you back in as you try to shove yourself out. Because your body is still trying to adjust, there can be an imbalance of forces within you. All parallel realities are rewoven and absorbed back to Spirit and all have aligned their will to the Divine. This is when you step into the next stage which is truly being a way-shower. You will have to reevaluate everything in your life. Does Marijuana Help or Hurt Spiritual Growth - Higher Self Concepts Our intuition seems to be on high alert, and we are more open to new insights and perspectives than ever before. We are aware that while the planet is under going a shift to a higher frequency that, because she is a living moving energy system, all who reside within her energy fields will also experience this realignment. Just be careful not to isolate yourself too much because your emotional instability during this time makes you prone to anxiety and depression. The brain is being activated particularly the cerebrum, the sleeping giant. Thank you for your support!! Spiritual ascension is a journey that we all must take. Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the new higher vibrational energies we have not created Heaven yet. 7 Powerful Levels Of Spirituality: Where Are You? - The Minds Journal Instant manifestation, bi-location and teleporting enter the realms of possibility. Though fears may surface, they seem unreal and are easily put aside. Youre feeling a strong desire to help others. There is no single spiritual ascension meaning. Clean water is vital for good health and spiritual ascension as it helps to flush out toxins and negative energy. Sometimes, letting go means simply accepting the fact that some things cannot be undone. You no longer have tolerance for shallow talk. It is a good strategy at the beginning because it can help you break free from this realm and . Enter Your Email Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! Ninth level decoding geometries and toning is easier, spirit is using the languages of light which shift the 6th dimensional blueprint into a new template for your 5th dimensional Lightbody. By this time the planet and her inhabitants will have been 'rewoven' into Light to shine in their full glory as the final stages of this Divine Plan unfolds. When the pineal gland is fully open we experience multi-dimensionality yet duality seems to increase as we leave it behind. Dietary wise, you feel to eat less, more light, live food many at this stage have ceased to eat meat, sugar and drink alcohol as they feel the effects of these substances on the vibrational fields of the body. Fourth level major changes are in the brain and its chemistry and electromagnetic energies symptoms are often headaches, blurry vision, loss of hearing and sometimes chest pains. After Ascension, We'll Acquire New Spiritual Abilities These light matrix's lie along the physical acupuncture meridians and are lines of light intersecting in beautiful geometries - a new 5th dimensional circulatory system of Light. Though fears may surface, they seem unreal and are easily put aside. As things stand at this moment, a person's consciousness could evolve while the person remained in the physical body. You talk to people from this higher state of spiritual consciousness and you feel it when people aren't on the same frequency. 5 Different Forms of Spiritual Ascension - LonerWolf Physically, changing energy levels is usually a good sign of spiritual ascension. Below I am going to go over the stages of ascension. When the pineal gland is fully open we experience multi-dimensionality yet duality seems to increase as we leave it behind. Cranial expansion is common; triangular seed crystals in the brow and recorder crystals in the right side of the brain are activated along with the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras. Ultimately, each phase must be integrated a process that can take many lifetimes. Youre feeling a strong need for change. We are all evolving and absorbing light at our own pace. Your body and your mind need to be in good condition in order to overcome the symptoms that may accompany your ascension. If you overcome stage seven you are finally able to truly trust yourself and are on your way to trusting the universe. Your field of awareness expands, and new information streams in. seem normal and natural to us. You will truly feel the sense of oneness with the universe that everyone talks so highly of. 3506 N. 147th St.Suite #102Omaha, NE 68116, Phases or Stages of a Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Ascension, or Expanded Consciousness, Signs and Symptoms of the Spiritual Awakening and Expanded Consciousness, Top 10 Signs to Know if you are a Lightworker and Ready to Help Others, Top 10 Helpful Tips to Uncover and Trust your Intuition. 10. Time is no longer linear but simultaneous past, present and future co-exist all exist in parallels. This is because the universe is about to reveal something interesting to you. Eighth level we see the Master in all and purely wish to be of service we leave the saving and rescuing mode behind in favor of the desire to serve Divine Will. We change our friends, everything feels to be in a state of flux but we feel lighter, vaster, freer somehow. You may realize that you have been living a life that is not in alignment with your true purpose. 25: Feeling irritated with small talk. Here Spirit determines our income, our work, other beings in our lives, everything. Strong physical reactions to intense solar and galactic energies can result in random, transitory or intense physical symptoms. You have upgraded from a genetic to a divine blueprint. Thats okay. Instagram Survival fears leave - focus in on the Now at one-at-ment. After all, not everyone is on the same spiritual journey as you are. We feel more in tune with each moment, feeling very present and flowing with life. The One Most Complete Guide to the Spiritual Dimensions of Reality - Medium Individuals may get lashes of telepathy, clairvoyance and nearly all begin to experience empathy. 2) Increased energy levels. Many wish to ascend and leave the planet as we sense the very real possibility of ascension through our deepening connection with spirit. Loss of sight: Losing the path. As one shifts in vibrational frequency, and as their awareness expands, symptoms are experienced on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. (Doing the Unified chakra meditation will assist in the heart opening). Not only are you learning and teaching, you are now embodying, shining forth, and sharing from your open heart. The Individualogist Team is made up of archetype fanatics, individuation practitioners, and spirituality fans. We realize the habitual nature of thinking and behavior and look at de-programming and re-programming to create the I we wish to be, not the I we thought we were from our interaction with parents, peers and society etc. What is Spiritual Ascension? 5 Stages You May Experience 6. This is when you begin to question your spiritual beliefs and start looking for answers. Fear at this time is released as the energy fields of all the bodies are realigned through the heart and when aligned, fear drops away. All have received specialist training and skills to help create and manifest the New World - the 'Golden Age'. 5th Dimension Ascension - Reaching the 5th dimension - Padre The mental body begins to wonder if it really is in charge and individuals get strong unexplainable and undeniable urges to follow spirit without hesitation. Search within Editors' Choice. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. You're then sharing them with others. seeing 11:11, synchronicities, premonitions, prophetic dreams and visions, seeing and hearing things that others dont, wanting to seclude). The ascension process is what you go through as you transition from being solely focused on the physical as a 3D limited physical being into full awareness of your spiritual nature, power and light. Ascension involves the raising of one's energetic vibration, or . Remember that it is a different experience for every person, so you shouldnt be comparing your journey to those around you. The term is commonly used to denote the Age of Enlightenment, but is also used in Western cultures in a religious context. Patience and perseverance are keys to a successful spiritual ascension. 4. You realize that serving others is a very large part of why you are really here. They forget that while there is bad in the universe there is also good. Finaly Ive found something whic helped m.Kudos! Youre feeling more connected to others. Score: 4.6/5 (45 votes) Enlightenment is the "full comprehension of a situation". Through this, you embody the full light that you are. The peace and quiet that you get from your alone time are integral in the awakening of your soul. You are flowing forth forgiveness, tuning into gratitude and choosing love in every moment. Your physical body may change, Your human Consciousness is fundamentally aligned with SOURCE Consciousness. As an individual moves into the frequency of vibrations their consciousness inflates, indications or symptoms are experienced on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. This is often a time of great upheaval, but it is also a time of great opportunity. The process of the in-breath is now irreversible, like an elastic band that has been stretched to maximum capacity, been let go of and will return to its natural state. The Seven Levels of Initiation The spiritual path really begins prior to the seven levels of initiation. This phase is when you know at a SOUL level what needs to be done in order for you to be happy in your own life, but question it due to your own EGO. Are you sure that everything you believe in is right? The ascension process is an evolutionary phenomenon of twelve sequential phases of spiritual awakening. We are experiencing a new paradigm that has never been seen before. You will begin breaking free from the status quo and trying to figure out where in this world you need to be heading. 14,778 Ascension Stock Photos, Images & Pictures - Dreamstime You need people especially those with opposing views to teach you things that you never thought you lacked. Firstly what many are experiencing naturally as the planet undergoes her transformation which is what is termed the Creation of the Lightbody. Rumble At this stage, you will begin to question yourself. Many old friendships and contacts fall away as they are outgrown and left behind as you manifest new soul family and spiritual peers. This is also the phase where you develop your intuition with the spirit realm. These symptoms can manifest in different parts of the body and include changes in energy levels, weight loss, and the experience of the "ascension flu." The 12 Levels of Ascension - Speaking Tree Listed Below Are 6 Of The Most Important Spiritual Awakening Signs And Symptoms: 1. Spiritual ascension is sometimes described in terms of having one's vibratory frequency raised, one's "upgraded," or one's "relaunched.". These are the steps on the path as individuals. Congrats! Know that you are not alone, and distancing yourself from people who may not understand (including friends and family), or who are very negative is typical during this phase. The ascension process is what you go through as you transition from being solely focused on the physical as a 3D limited physical being into full awareness of your spiritual nature, power and light.. As you progress through the levels of ascension, you reconnect with your open heart, gain a greater sense of purpose and awakening, and merge with your higher selves. One important thing to note about our spiritual ascension is that it is quite a long journey. Some channeled beings say that 5D is a place to rest after the stress and ordeals of living in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. I'm not saying you're becoming Jesus here. Its about leaving the physical body and returning fully to source. You will want to eagerly share your gifts with others. If you want to experience spiritual enlightenment, you need to let go of all the darkness that has been residing within you. 7. True Ascension meaning, its definition, and its symptoms - Padre Some are consciously working with these changes and so their transmutation is quicker, some are unaware and are absorbing this Light and change in direct relation to planetary change. You continue to release deeper levels of emotional residues as you prepare to transcend the emotional field. We'll be awakened beings with greatly expanded knowledge, Ker-on of Venus says. Discomfort, Aches and Pains. Phase 5. Spiritual Ascension: Signs and Symptoms of your Awakening You will be at your lowest wondering where you went wrong. - the heart chakra opens more, we become more 'real' with other emotions, we just have to be ourselves! Light in the etheric blueprint releases 4th dimensional structure and causes spins in the geometries of the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. 12. Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening. You re-evaluate your relationships, home, life, environment and lifestyle preferences. In this model, five different qualities of sight represent unique steps on the spiritual journey: Glimpsing: The call to adventure. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world. But there are definitely some signs that youre heading in the right direction. Ascension is about rising above old habits, beliefs, mindsets, and limits, etc. Spiritual Blogs. It can weigh you down and hold you back from becoming who you are really meant to be. Since you are gaining a higher level of spiritual energy, the adjustment period may make you feel things a lot deeper than the usual. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself and follow your heart.