Class Explanations - Homestuck Classpects Explained His classpect is Prince of Hope. The Prince, as the active, is literally simplified to destroyer of [aspect] or one who destroys via [aspect]. Known Heirs are John Egbert, the Heir of Breath; Equius Zahhak, the Heir of Void; and Mituna Captor, the Heir of Doom. As you can see the wing terms are eerily similar to certain classes of homestuck. Hussie also stated that each class only has one syllable in its name. Each Aspect is paired with another, which are in opposition to . Characters frequently die within the plot of Homestuck, which Andrew Hussie described as a necessity of a story with such a large cast. When you start it up, it turns out to be a working version of Sburb! Homestuck is a webcomic written, illustrated, and animated by Andrew Hussie as part of MS Paint Adventures (MSPA). Connections to Homestuck. Q5: You're taking a break from your game and browsing the stranger parts of the internet when you come across a link labeled "SBURB Beta". You know they're inside, and their dreamself is dead. The Extended Zodiac - Hiveswap She is teal-blooded and portrayed as an avid role-player and has a strong sense of justice. [HS 26] Her classpect is Witch of Life. A heart of gold. It is unclear where they fall on the active/passive axis. [10] Jade Harley lives on a remote island together with her dog, Becquerel, who is the First Guardian of Earth (later merging with him). [12] Many more sprites appear throughout the story, the most notable of which are Tavrisprite, Erisolsprite, and Jasprosesprite^2. loquaciousGamer Classpecting John, the Heir of Breath, receives a sort of freedom from the storyline and a disconnection from reality when he is affected by Lord English's "treasure", and Mituna receives a kind of doom when he loses part of his sanity. Hussie invented an alien species, called trolls, that have a unique culture. Most accurate and intricate is probably thinking it out for yourself. Additionally, Kurloz, the Prince of Rage, is always seen as being completely calm in all situations, meaning he completely lacks rage. Q7: You need to prototype, and you're running out of time! He is good friends with Karkat and Tavros and asks Tavros out once, but the page cuts off before Tavros could give a definitive answer. He looks angry. (note: this question only determines which classes you can get). What do you throw into the kernelsprite? Knights are not necessarily the ones who help the space player breed the Genesis Frog. Here's some detail: sources should be added to more statements, speculative statements should be cleaned up and made more objective, and subjectivity should be avoided. The garb of Knight is simple, wearing a T-shirt and pajamas while over it a blackish-grey hoodie cape, and flaunty red long-boots. The first few acts of Homestuck center around four 13-year-old children. [3] Elliott Dunstan of Monkeys Fighting Robots said, "the sheer number of characters and possible interactions can get overwhelming", and that each fan ends up with a favorite cast member. It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. This would be supported by Aranea's unlocking light for others, and Jade's unlocking space by her teleporting, expanding/shrinking, and moving powers. Calliope has stated there to be equal numbers of male-exclusive and female-exclusive classes, as well as implying that the number of commonly-male and commonly-female classes are balanced. His astrological sign is Capricorn. Jane and Kanaya also had similar transformations into absurd creatures who avenged themselves on insensitive characters, with several directly parallel panels. Sylphs and Witches could have something to do with secrets as well. The pairing is further alluded to by the fact that, in the post-scratch Troll session, only the Seer and Mage are blind, and Sollux says that iit2 kiind of liike how a prophet earn2 hii2 2triipe2, by beiing bliind, liike how an angel earn2 iit2 wiing2. Super-smarts! Before their falling out, he can calm Karkat (a rage-aholic) when no one else can and destroying his rage directly. It's unclear whether this means Calliope was canonically wrong about gender bias, or if Hussie was simply lifting the restrictions for fan content. Note that sharing a title with a character doesn't mean you're necessarily identical to that character; you're simply likely to respond similarly in certain situations. This was how I initially grouped each class with a type and wing. Online tools for the Homestuck fandom, from quirk converters to classpect quizzes. Your teammate is convinced that their plan is absolutely perfect, while you think it's horrible and stands at least a 90% chance of resulting in one of your deaths. [11] Troll culture features a complex system of romance, featuring four "quadrants",[HS 6] that was specifically designed to encourage shipping among Homestuck fans. MS Paint Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Homestuck Classes and Personalities: Heir: Heir's personalities are very diverse- their personality is more ruled by their aspect than their class. Classpect (A Comprehensive Guide) | OptimistMinds [HS 24] His classpect is Bard of Rage. Mages could also be speculated as one who receives knowledge from [aspect] as opposed to the Seer's one who gains knowledge through [aspect]. -THIEF- The active stealing class, Thieves are the players that "steal their aspect from others for use it for their own benefit" they often feel the need to steal the glory, they are usually arrogant, selfish, and impulsive people often operating with little self control. Lifespan and population Trolls higher on the hemospectrum have longer lifespans, with rust bloods usually living only a dozen or two sweeps (26 to 50 years) and most lower blood castes living roughly as long as a human, with green castes having lifespans extending above a hundred years. The descriptions you receive for them are a bit less canonical, however, due to the lack of information about many of them. [HS 12] He is shown to have an interest in fairy tales and fantasy stories, notably Pupa Pan, the Alternian equivalent of Peter Pan,[HS 13] and also has the ability to commune with animals. Ampora is derived from amphora which translates from Latin into "Beaker." Alternatively, it could be presumed that the lord holds the combined roles of the active (-) classes, while the muse holds the roles of the passive (+). Why Is Homestuck? [7] His weapon of choice is a hammer (strife specibus Hammerkind). Homestuck Browser Tools - HOMESTUCK.NET According to Lilian Min of The Atlantic, Homestuck's greatest strength is Andrew Hussie's "gift for character-building", and that the characters are unique and "strangely relatable". And these are Manipulation, Comprehension, Creation, Destruction, Application and Relocation. Q0: Would you be bothered if you got a class of the wrong gender? The name Eridan was given by Tenebrais. Maids are also speculated to be Sylphs' active (-) counterpart as one who heals or restores. As she can see the future through her dreams, Jade was the one who encouraged the other three kids to play the fictional video game Sburb, and therefore set the plot in motion. This religion is similar to that of the juggalo: he has an obsession with Faygo and believes firmly in miracles and the coming of the Dark Carnival. )[HS 15][HS 16] His introduction mirrors Dave's, his astrological sign is Gemini,[HS 17] and his classpect is Mage of Doom. 2) Dirk destroys Jake's fake confidence and fantasies of adventure so that he might develop the real confidence necessary to pursue his true power as a Page of Hope. She is also able to materialize objects out of thin air by stealing the essence of nothingness from an idea. In fact, taking all of the above points together, it may be suggested that the two master classes are at least partially codified by the ability of the player to influence events indirectly. Princes, it seems, are devoid of their aspect. But I am sort of leaning torwards leaving them out for the same reason I left the different consort species out; they aren't really individual characters. As you can see the wing terms are eerily similar to certain classes of homestuck. [5], Trolls chat with unique typing quirks, inserting clues concerning the speaker's identity in their chat patterns. Q8: Right before you enter, you start thinking about where you're going to end up. [HS 9] Her astrological sign is Aries. If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect], as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart. What do you hope your land is like? One speculation for the class is one who creates [aspect] or one who creates through [aspect] for the betterment of others. Who would your ideal co-player/co-player(s) be? The Muse inspires others' actions despite not being in a position to do anything directly by themselves, while the Lord instructs his minions' actions in the places he cannot reach. Jane Crocker is the heiress to the Betty Crocker fortune,[HS 1] and she is the symbolic leader of the four alpha kids. "[12] Her astrological sign is Virgo. A forum page to discuss theories regarding class can be found, Andrew Hussie has jokingly stated that that, The Mage class is the only one that hasn't been seen in. [1] The title "Heir" could also have the more literal meaning one who inherits/receives [aspect]. The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2021. Analysis of Homestuck classpects : The Knight of Light The Witch is an active (-) class. A definition of page would be one who serves [aspect] or one who serves through [aspect] for others. 8ut once that journey is over, how fearsome he 8ecomes!. John throughout the story was referred to as a wizard, and had connections with the mythic archetype of a Magician like the Witch; such as familiars. [HS 5] English's surname comes from the villain Lord English. Hemospectrum | MS Paint Adventures Wiki | Fandom A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. Cronus destroyed his own "hope" or fantasy of being a wizard. Her classpect is Seer of Light. Gave that ship a Viking funeral - Tumblr His astrological sign is Taurus. Also I think that Knights are meant to defend/protect their aspect on others or for others. Dahni The Void Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles Your Aspect is one of three qualities which uniquely determine your True sign, along with your Sign Class and Lunar Sway . A 2014 title quest that gives you your class and aspect based on a very short self-administered personality test. First shown on-screen during Homestuck's third act, Shaenon Garrity described Jade as "the most recalcitrant" of the four kids. Now that you've made a new universe and achieved godhood, you're kinda bored, and decide to mess around a bit. Known Sylphs are Kanaya Maryam, the Sylph of Space; and Aranea Serket, the Sylph of Light. Homestuck Classpects Explained - Tumblr Classes might also have gender alignments, with some being exclusive to a certain gender, and others being assigned to both males and females. Because of this, some speculate that Mages relate to knowledge and are similar to Seers. Excluding the master classes, no class's position on the scale has been revealed, although some hints have been given. Four Examples of Space players are availible, Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam, Porrim Maryam and Calliope. Page may also refer to the middle age term for a young knight in training. It's a plant personality quiz. Witches are possibly the active (-) counterpart to Heir, which both seem to deal with changing or manipulating their aspects. His classpect is Heir of Void. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Now, let's talk about Light. Page: The biggest weenies, awkward and initially the weakest link of the group. I'm Dahni Witch of Light! Despite being known to be a miracle worker when it comes to match making, Meulin's own romantic history ironically is riddled with trouble and heartbreak. This "nebulous" actor changes the Homestuck world. The 12 classes and their passive/active alignment are believed to be connected with Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's mythic Archetypes. [5] Homestuck trolls are by default bi- or pansexual; this normalization has been described by a fan as "incredible for all the bi and gay kids out there seeing loads of couples that don't think twice about how they're dating somebody of the same gender of themselves. Nepeta is an olive-blood, considered the "middle class" of the hemospectrum. You've told your teammate why their plan is flawed, but they just try to change the subject and talk about why they don't like your plan. They also serve what there is little of in their session; for example, Karkat, the Knight of Blood (Blood being about bonds) tried to get everyone to work together but was unsuccessful. This can be shown by how Meulin is being manipulated through Kurloz, her former matesprit (which is the quadrant represented by a heart), and how Sollux was manipulated by the voices of the imminently deceased or the doomed, as well as ghostly Aradia. Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff are intentionally poorly made, featuring unsteady lines, liberal use of the spray paint tool, heavy jpeg artification, and the unpopular typeface Comic Sans.[8]. 4) Dirk even breaks himself down into 'splinters' in attempts to improve and better understand himself, but winds up forced to confront the most negative aspects of his personality and how to overcome them.