5. Paul Falcone is a human resources executive in Los Angeles and has held senior-level positions with Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures, and Time Warner. b. Listens openly and encourages feedback while creating and maintaining an inclusive work environment. d. "You play favorites and are biased in your judgments." I am good at strategic thinking which prevents issues arising. Uses logic and judgement to evaluate to develop solutions. All employees can assess their strengths and weaknesses, evaluate . ", a. The examples listed here are designed to spark some ideas and get you thinking about how to approach performance reviews for your team members. Included are a selection of effective tools and methods on how to develop a strategic thinking. Strategic thinking enables a manager to know the effective factors in achieving objectives and . PDF The Reality of Strategic Thinking Practice at the Faculty of - ed Companies hire employees with a strategic mindset to help achieve long-term business goals. And last but not least he is able to connect the dots with an strategic thinking. Problem-solving is the skill of defining a problem to determine its cause, identify it, prioritize and select alternative solutions to implement in solving the problems and reviving relationships., a. Try to use these positive, negative and strategic thinking evaluation phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback. To develop your ability to learn appraisal comments, heres a comprehensive list of example phrases, comments, and constructive feedback examples as ideas and inspiration for your next performance review , performance self appraisal, 360 peer review, or just offering continuous feedback as part of employee performance and development. The strategic thinking self-appraisal comments examples can help you to sum up performance review in your current job position. e. He maintains a culture of transparency and knowledge-sharing across all levels in your department. d. "He replies to emails and calls in time.". On the other hand, feedback that mostly dwells on negative aspects of one's performance can make employees feel unappreciated. 68% of employees who receive accurate and consistent feedback feel fulfilled in their jobs. John is also an innovator and very strategic in his thinking. b. I am able to pivot my priorities and come up with new ideas based on changes in a project requirement Is not constrained by challenges in performing duties but find ways to go around them. These goals can relate to your performance or ongoing projects. You effectively manage your team and conduct specific exercises to strengthen the team. I am an intuitive and an agile business person who is always thinking about the next strategic step. John's also strategic and able to look ahead to how things will be, not just how they are. Clients usually seek your guidance and expertise. Ch.1 True or False Flashcards | Quizlet Uncategorized. by Nina A. Analysis of strategic thinking reveals common themes about the interconnectedness of ideas and a regard to new possibilities. He knows exactly the clients needs and how to solve them with an strategic thinking. "He gathers all the necessary facts and information before finding a solution to a problem." He is very sharp and thinks strategically. You constantly push deadlines and fail to deliver on time. Its also important todemonstrate that you can put new ideas into action. He's very efficient and is always very forward thinking and strategic in his approach. Tim made efforts to update his understanding of trends and to refresh his network but realized that he wasnt putting the knowledge learned to good use. You are fair and treat every employee in your team equally and respectfully. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments John is methodical and strategic in his thinking and execution. I am a strategic asset who thinks about more than my areas of responsibility. 2022 Todos os direitos reservados. Defines, delegates, and directs work in a flexible manner. He is very strategic, and therefore, forward-thinking. Self-evaluation phrases for strategic thinking highlighting your areas of improvement and give you opportunity to pave the way for future growth. The case of one of my coaching clients illustrates the steps you need to take to show off your strategic thinking skills. 1. All Rights Reserved. Strategic Thinking Self-Appraisal Comments Examples - Simbline If you are looking for someone to help you strategize your way to success, he's the guy. 100+ Most Useful Self Appraisal Comments for Your Next - SuperBeings c. She lacks a sense of urgency. Strives to provide a healthy work-life balance and maintain perspective in light of constantly changing priorities. He has an aptitude for critical thinking, but also for strategic thinking. 100 Performance Appraisal Comments For Your Next Performance Review, Performance Reviews and How to get them Right, How To Build An Effective Mentorship Program, Powerful Affirmations For Success At Work, 5 Actionable Performance Planning Steps You Need. 46. By asking yourself, Do people know where I stand? you can sharpen your ability to demonstrate this skill. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. I am strategically strong and has the ability to push thinking forward. I am very strategic yet is always willing to roll up my sleeves. c. He provides no recognition to a team members effort and hard work. SAMPLE PERFORMANCE COMMENTS - Southeastern Louisiana University In X duration, L&D penetration in my team is at Y%. 6. Strategic Thinking - TDL It involves situation (S), task (T), the action (A) you took, and the results (R) you achieved. I have unique strategic thinking abilities that go beyond conventional approaches. I am curious and engaging, and demonstrates strategic thinking in every discussion. What is your plan to achieve them? Strategic Planning: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases Strategic thinkers translate a company's vision into doable actions. I am always thinking strategically and in terms of how to offer more to our members. He is the author of a number of AMACOM and SHRM bestselling books, four of which made SHRM's prestigious "Great 8" list: 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire, 101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems, 101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees, and 2,600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews. I clearly communicate my expectations and goals to my team members. 27. So, how should a manager comment on the performance appraisal process? I am one of the few people, who can combine fast actions with strategic thinking. The key was to experience (or imagine the experience of) driving an electric vehicle with its differing needs. Tim was promoted to the global role a year later and was ultimately better equipped to navigate the role. You are inconsiderate towards others opinions and ideas. Job Performance Evaluation Form Page 1 Strategic planning manager performance appraisal You just clipped your first slide! It also covers implementing and applying the strategy in addition to strategic review and evaluation (Alasmar, 2007) According to Elanzi and Akhras (2010), the lack of strategic thinking at the . He is also very strategic in his thinking. You need to keep up with your schedule so your coworkers can keep up with theirs too.. Similarly, it gives you a way to encourage those who aren't being able to manage their time. Does not settle for average performance but strives for excellence. Start by acknowledging your shortcomings and explain that you want to address them. Supported [employee] with [task]/through [project] and willingly shared their expertise. He took time to package his ideas into a vision for the organization and engaged his peers in new discussions about how the vision could impact their areas. I am a forward-thinking visionary with an incredible knack for strategizing. While his strategic and creating thinking allowed us to take it to the next level. c. "The quality of your work has been unsatisfactory lately." b. What Is a Vision Statement? 15 Vision Statement - ProjectManager I have improved my thinking about the big strategic questions we face. b. Six common components include: 1) tools for analysis; 2) strategic purpose; 3) values; 4) vision; 5) key goals; and 6) action planning. He always thinks on many levels at the same time, tactical as well as strategic. This book helps to understand the connection between strategy and vision, strategy and creativity. 49. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Strategic Thinking: 5 Characteristics of Strategic Thinkers Is willing to hear constructive criticism. They know having a backup plan (or several) can help them pivot quickly when things don't go as planned. John approaches everything he does with strategic thinking and vision. 45 Examples of Effective Performance Evaluation Phrases Dont be shy about bringing your ideas to the table. In strategic planning, leaders gather data and decide on the path the organization will take to achieve its goals. Manages with a conscience and places integrity, ethics, and trust above all else. 7. e. She often creates a communication gap and withholds information from her subordinates. Knowing why you're doing what you're doing (your mission), where you're trying to go (your vision), and how you're going to go about it (your values) are the glue that holds an organization together. This area of strategic thinking looks at ways to use resources, staff and technology. Delegates and assigns work in a manner consistent with departmental workflow and company policy. John will do what is necessary to accomplish strategic objectives. d. He replies to emails and calls in time., a. He is very good at strategizing on initiatives and thinking outside the box. I am strategic in my approach and one that was well ahead of my competition. John is very knowledgeable, forward thinking, strategic and accessible. Vantage Circle. You get frustrated with new hires easily and dont coach them properly. You are a great team player. developing strategic thinking skills is important. He works well with all types of clients. You fail to communicate with your peers effectively, and this is causing a lot of misunderstanding within the team. Serves as a model of cooperation, sharing, and goodwill. Fails to think before one plans and doesn't take the time or invest in tools to generate new insights, Makes a strategy a once a year activity instead of an ongoing conversation and does not care to monitor the already implemented strategies, Does not refresh the plans frequently to keep them from becoming stale and keep the energy energized on their execution, Defines goals that cannot be managed or measured throughout the layers of the company, Fails to make employees aware of the goals and therefore the employees do not understand what is expected of them, Develops plans that leave too much room for interpretation thus employees misinterpret the plans and miss the intended mark, Selects the wrong people for strategic planning instead of people who are able to analyze the current company's state and develop achievable future states, Develops a plan without aligning it with the budget thus makes it hard to transform the plan into action. I have provided strategic thinking to us in the area of engagement and it has paid well for us. He thinks radiantly and strategically while also being supremely rational. d. You regularly follow up with existing and new clients to make sure they feel valued and reminded about us., a. You need to tailor your customer service to suit individual customers needs. ". However, they need guidance to reach their goals too. c. You are honest and always admit when you dont have the knowledge about something. It also affects others schedules. This type of thinking is tactical. Working with him is exciting because he truly thinks strategically and moves fast. Is making a strong effort to acquire greater experience and skills to increase potential for advancement. Systems Perspective: strategic thinking reflects a systems or holistic view Strategic Planning: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce. To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com, We safeguard your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In his book Fifteen Things Common to Great Achievers, author Israelmore Ayivor shared, "A dream is the frame or portrait or a construction or focus of one's vision by means of perception, based on what he or she knows and settles within via strategic thinking." You do a great job at leading by example. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments 37. As an employee, it is important to be self-aware because you become conscious about your strengths and weaknesses and how others perceive you. He's always been very clear and strategic about the needs of his assignment. What factors do you consider when selecting the right people for your strategic planning team. I am tenacious, strategic thinking, make it happen kind of guy. Employees in managerial positions are people who are always looking after others, i.e., their team members. The organizational level at which the strategic planning process is relevant depends on the unit's size, its complexity, and the differentiation of the service provide It doesn't take long to see that strategic thinking is his strength. This series of blog posts from authors Paul Falcone and Winston Tans The Performance Appraisal Tool Kit: Redesigning Your Performance Review Template to Drive Individual and Organizational Change (AMACOM 2013) will help you redefine leadership by raising the proverbial performance bar and avoiding grade inflation. Communication Communication is a vital aspect of every relationship. "He is regarded as highly credible by those working with him." Think about what you'd like your company to achieve in the next 5 or 10 years based on the current status of your business and create a strategic plan to achieve your goals. 1. I effectively communicate with all levels of our organization by maintaining contact with department heads and corporate meetings consistently. d. You exceeded our expectations by delivering more than assigned work despite the tight schedule., a. c. "Your positive attitude to your work encourages others to perform well too." Sometimes there's a vast difference between what they say and what they want to convey. I am someone who can be relied upon to be proactive and strategic. Regardless of what he takes on, he brings strategic thinking to the table. e. You respect others and give everyone equal opportunities to express their opinions., a. Developing your strategic thinking skills isn't enough to get you promoted. After all, anyone can get a 5 (Exceptional) out of 5 on a performance review if your organizations established standard is low enough; raise that standard, however, and your management team will automatically become much more realistic about assigning performance grades, and 3s (Fully Successful) and 4s (Superior Performance) may become more of the normwhich is favorable to assigning everyone 5s right off the bat. Challenge #1 - Extrapolating from Today: Romano stressed the futility of imagining a car charging model by extrapolating from the current auto fueling one. 2022 Alle rechten voorbehouden. I am strategic, and innovative - always thinking about how to approach things differently to see better results. a. He was therefore surprised to receive informal feedback from the head of HR, a longtime colleague and friend, who said that a few influential executives had voiced concern that Tim wasnt strategic enough. These executives felt Tim was good at keeping the trains running, but he had not driven proactive change in the organization or set a strategic vision for supply chain. "You are very articulate and explain your ideas and opinions clearly, leaving no room for miscommunication." Self-appraisal is a significant part of your performance review, because it reflects your self-awareness and professional development. We all know that developing strategic thinking skills is important, but many dont realize how critical it is to your career advancement to show these skills to your boss and other senior leaders. c. "Even when disagreeing with others, you do it gracefully and respectfully." He is very talented, especially regarding strategic thinking and being analytical. He can capture the essence of cutting edge thinking, strategic thinking, and strategic vision at speed. Strategic thinking includes careful and deliberate anticipation of threats and vulnerabilities to . He thinks not only about the problem at hand, but also at the more strategic implications. I am a mentor of mine and always made myself available to help and strategize. In project work, an effective strategy can greatly reduce the level of tactical effort required. Take the initiative on new projects that show how your understanding extends beyond your current function. b. Strategic thinking requires research, analytical thinking, innovation, problem-solving skills, communication and leadership skills. And success is the result of a . Communication is one of the core functions of dynamic work culture. 100+ Performance Evaluation Comments for Attitude, Training Ability John is a great professional because he has the balance between scientific thinking and strategic thinking. 65 percent of employees say they want more feedback, but nobody is giving it to them. Effectively manages timecard processing, schedules work appropriately, and sets performance expectations to reach and exceed departmental goals. I am pro-active in my thinking and can think strategically as required. Focuses on measurable outcomes, sets incremental milestone targets, and celebrates victories and successes along the way. Consider listing your goals in the self-evaluation for a performance review. Benefits of Being a Strategic Thinker. c. His creative skills are an asset to the team. What is Strategic Thinking? American Management Association is a world leader in professional development, advancing the skills of individuals to drive business success. You are biased and favor some employees more than others in your team. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments I am always willing to help strategize and has been crucial in my success. His strategic thinking is second to none. Encourages the key people to interact with the employees and customers about their perception of the company future and brings those views to the table. Strategic thinking is a mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal or set of goals. He's approachable and down-to-earth, as well as forward-thinking and strategic. For this blog post, I define strategic thinking as: "A thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal." Note: I am not taking credit for this definition. 100+ Best Examples of Employee Evaluation Comments - ProProfs Training Blog b. I am creative and forward-thinking and as a strategic thinking leader, is second to none in my experience. Importantly, he forced to think strategically first, followed by tactics. John took us all to another level of strategic thinking. I am always willing to strategize and make the most of the situation at hand. I tactfully provide difficult feedback and approach sensitive situations with skill . He not only thinks strategically, he fosters that kind of thinking in others. You always meet your deadlines and make the best use of your time. Examples of Successful Strategic Thinking | Small Business - Chron Here are a few overall performance review comments to discuss employees' creativity. His commitment, strategic thinking and dedication has always been outstanding. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. John is forward-thinking, innovative, and strategic. d. "You dont tend to listen to and take other peoples opinions into consideration." Strategic-thinking interview questions and answers - Workable Vantage Circle. Chapter 14 Strategic Leadership Flashcards | Quizlet 66. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. Finds creative ways of working toward consensus. ", This article is written by Shreya Dutta. I am very adept at thinking conceptually and anticipating obstacles during my strategizing. Try the following suggestions: If you don't advocate for yourself, no one else will. A good place to start is to write your self-performance review using our sample comments and phrases. Strategic thinking is simply an intentional and rational thought process that focuses on the analysis of critical factors and variables that will influence the long-term success of a business, a team, or an individual. Vision & Strategy: Strategic Thinking for Creative and Social a. 94 Example Performance Review Phrases and Comments for Skills and b. I am well respected throughout the organization for me leadership, diligence and strategic thinking. b. Crowdsourcing: What it Means for Innovation . Vision vs. Strategy: What's the Difference? | Indeed.com You are spoken highly of by your peers because of your ability to build good relationships. But he has provided much more than critical analysis and sound strategic thinking. "You are respectful and fair towards everyone in the organization." John's strategic thinking was the driving force in our department. The thing to be admired most in him, is his learning ability and strategic thinking. 2. Strategic thinking is an intentional process easily lost amid the pressures of operational decision-making and tactical leadership. What you need to know about being in charge. You present your opinions and instructions in a clear and objective manner, without coming across as self-serving. 100 Useful Performance Review Example Phrases - MyHub Intranet Solutions A key distinction between strategic thinking and strategic planning is that the former occurs on a regular basis, as part of our daily activities, while the latter occurs periodically (quarterly, semi-annually or annually). Tims efforts began to pay off over time, and he was able to shift his contributions in senior executive meetings from operational input to strategic input. He was able to think for himself and strong on strategic thinking. PPT PowerPoint Presentation This paper helps project managers step back from the trees to see the forest and lays the foundation for better strategic thinking within project teams, departments, and overall organizations through changing focus . Vision is your forward-looking starting point it establishes where you want your company to be in the future and why it matters. b. He is that on top of things and always thinking strategically about the future. I have the unique ability to not only think strategically, but also knows how to operationalize those strategic thoughts. To suspend critical judgment in an effort to think more creatively, Liedtka proposes a strategic thinking model of interrelated attributes: 1. John thinks strategically, but is accessible and approachable at all levels. The phrases are organized by the different skills, attributes and aspects of performance that are commonly covered in reviews. Sample Leadership Phrases for Performance Appraisals | AMA Set goals. Creates an environment in which team members can find new ways of motivating themselves in light of our organizations changing needs. He was always professional in his approach and strategic in his thinking. I am strategic in my thinking and has a way of presenting my thinking so that it engages all stakeholders and engenders commitment. 37 Innovation and Creativity Appraisal Comments - BetterUp She has a knack for thinking outside the box. Regularly celebrates successes and learns from mistakes while making it safe for others to take risks and volunteer innovative recommendations. d. "You have portrayed exemplary behavior in all aspects of work." d. You humiliate peers on a regular basis. John started with fun conversations that got him thinking - thinking more clearly and strategically. Strategic Orientation - CiteHR I am a strategic thinker that is not bound by "current" thinking. Think about the difference between NASA in the 1960s, when they - and the nation - were . c. She is precise in giving out directions and effectively communicates what she expects from her team members. I encourage my team to indulge in self-learning and attend training constantly. Every job requires a level of out-of-the-box thinking to best use of any situation. Your leaders want to know what you think, and they view your worthiness for promotion through the lens of how ready you are to make bigger decisions. He thinks strategically and knows how to get things done as well as who to talk to. 5. But not all employees are natural-born team players. I am an outcome focused individual who thinks strategically for the good of an organisation. 50+ Effective Self-Appraisal Comments with Examples | Keka I am always leaning in, strategically thinking about what was best for me companies brand. Strategic thinking is therefore the first step in successfully executing any project. He could look for strategic advantage and see it through to its conclusion. It also bridges the gap between departments and makes everyone more productive. Try to keep your language positive and respectful by focusing on your actions and performance. Higher the sense of awareness, higher the chances of having better . State everything objectively and clearly. Here are a few employee performance appraisal comments to stir innovation and creativity: a. Sample Leadership Phrases for Performance Appraisals, How to Turn Painful Performance Conversations into Positive Results, The DOs and DON'Ts of Performance Reviews, A Performance Review System That Works For Everyone. Actionable, accurate, specific leadership evaluation comments help build up employees, buoy their confidence, and expand on their . d. You hold employees responsible for their performance. "She is always seeking opportunities to be more productive." The rating scale for Performance Planning and Review is made up of five factors: Poor, Needs Improvement, Meets Requirements, Exceeds Requirements, and Outstanding.