In the two months since the blog has gone private, Ive written extensively about Sam and Cait but Ive only written about Paul Camuso twice. May be he can reuse the bottles for parfum. Whether it is him or his PR team or both, they do tend to go through these recycling episodes every now and again. She does seem to live in the UK, so that might hinder the fly in, fly out beard pattern, but that could be tweaked. I wonder which one. The most interesting thing is reading the comments on their comments. Not bad eh Sammie? JA may just be obeying his instructions. LMAO what a joke. Nope. {R419]Not only fans who were extreme conservatives would react badly to news of his true sexuality. A bit suss. Whatever it takes, I suppose. New twist: SH fans openly alleging that shes a Professional with a capital P. Just plain wrong so many levels. Somebody might want to tell them how the internet works. As soon as SH shows TMGD, there'll be freeze frames, screen caps, wall posters, 3D modelling and plaster casting so the OL obsessives can rub it like some old-time holy relic, battery operated replicas even - hey, maybe another thing for SH to market. It's not about the nationality, the hardcore Jamie fans are simply insane and obsessed. Tea that would get anyones ears pricked. Let's hope it is a work associate - otherwise he seems to be back to the old closeting and bearding games. No one knows who D is. BTW, as of Monday here, it is 'advised' that all gatherings of 500 be cancelled - already marathons, big charity events, concerts, film festivals and worst of all, the FOOTY!! r258 Yep, you are right, creepy af. But for some others, you are absolutely right, they move just to be near him, and some are inexcusable stalkers one fan apparently moved into a street near him to be near him, one waited for hours to take photos of him and Balfe getting out of a car with coffee, others trail around venues where he may be, some even go into debt to attend every Con etc. Yeh, some of the poses have been pretty vomitous - carrying a fan on his back, crotch to crotch posing etc and apparently one that has been dubbed 'the serial killer one' (not seen as thankfully it seems to have been blocked on tumblr). Cheers. Graham did not invite Cait to his wedding !!!!! That would be ' hiding in plain sight' ! To be the friend, the colleague, the role model and most likely the lover and partner and well, you know the rest. Get it together, Sam, get security advice. You must be completly blind not seeing it. Trying way too hard. Doesn't have to be Europe of course, but more time in the dunes that way. And he has never re-tweeted that interview on Twitter, as he has done every other interview. When will they realise he's been manipulating people all the way to the bank? [R332] The mind boggles at the thought of ' The Magical Golden Dirk ' being inserted into ' The Hannah James Scabbard '. A bit of a Freudian slip, Heughan? r207 Condoms in Sassenach tartan colours? And he will still like images of the bums of almost naked women its too valuable a weapon to stress that he is a red-blooded hetero man Im straight, Im straight. [R50] Could the mystery woman be his American agent ? I bet Sam Heughan has the logo for Sassenach Spirits printed on his Dickhe's got it printed on everything else !! Not at all saying that it is wrong, could be spot on - just interested in the basis. Just to clarify, none of the comments on the article have him actually saying he is straight, but that is sure what the readership is meant to believe. Imagined death threats being your thing, and all. Fantasy Drama Ooh, that looks painful. I hope it does. I got this in a DM! So excited our double wood reposado is available in the uk! And his handfolding on the "Tonight" couch rang a bell. It is just for the money. Okay , so I exaggerated the size a little. JA does get her clients high profile interviews and contacts etc (SH is on Fallon Tonight again in the next day or so presumably Bloodshot, Red Notice, Paul Newman (? He has looked greedy and needy to the max, but the $$ have kept rolling in, and that is one of his major priorities at the moment. Pity it wasn't done long ago and we could have been spared all the squeee!!!! snippet from tumblr, where SH being gay is discussed on a daily basis now "Anonymous asked: Im surprised how sure you all seem to be thats hes gay. Luke referred to Heughan in a post as ' my boy ' [ wish I was technically proficient enough to post it here for the newbies who might not have seen it ] For me , put together , that was and still is incontrovertible proof that Heughan was in a gay relationship and is a gay man.. No amount of fuzzy shots of him at Airports with assorted actresses and nubile bottom baring teenagers is going to convince me otherwise. "Outlander" shows full male nudity -- and laughs in the face of rape First episode of OL season 5 corny beyond belief but Heughan looked magnificent in Tartan, buckskin and Leather. Sam Heughan talks milestones, maturity and marriage r584. Heughan and Balfe are currently filming Outlander season 6 in Scotland. Sam Heughan has opened up about feeling "pretty depressed" after an a bike accident resulted in injury. Outlander itself is fucking uneven. I love their love! Ok, the Bloodshot premiere is looming, but come on, overstating your case just makes it look as though you are hiding something. In case anyone is interested, Hilaria Baldwin is still a phony and a cautionary tale of how your lies escape in the craziest of ways. While Purv being a 'he' would help a bit to explain the obsession with The Magical Golden Dirk, I guess, it appears that Purv is a middle aged 'she', who is just plain strange, and who thinks she is convincing in her ridiculous determination to insist that Sammy is a straight player, when all she does is bring attention to the gayness. No one is immune to his charms. Tumblr has since contacted me. Who the hell in their right mind would call me a Queen Shipper? So excited to share my new . So Katheryn Winnick scrubbed from Purv's beards list even though she liked one of his posts about Bloodshot? Of course Purv is only posting information, not making connections, that is up to others - yes of course, we believe you. All the gay roles on you tube under his name are gone.. except one.. [R365]What is really disgusting is not the DLers but their homophobic reaction to the site. . Her thinning hair is increasingly more noticeable. Heughan could get the role, this is chancy HW after all, but it's quite a while to go before powerbroker decision time. From minute 10.04 he asks her if the glasses are for reading or just fashion and asks her how many fingers she sees. Well, we tried Sassenach Spirit last night (a bottle brought back from US yesterday after a tasting event there). Madden is the glass closet - Sam is either the cast iron closet or the closet you get buried in? Why do I have to keep explaining the obvious around here? Turning him into a brand right now seems to be what JA believes is most profitable indeed. BTW, whoever allowed two Diesel movies to be scheduled for release so close to each other ought to be drummed out of the movie business. Ah, Purv, you are really reaching here - convincing NOT. The Village People is an American disco group known for its on-stage costumes and suggestive lyrics. Or at least for a few bloggers who are determined that he is Anything But Gay. How would you react if any blog you enjoyed reading closed up shop and went private? Now, shoo, your idiocy is annoying my calm Sunday. R516 MPC/Great Glen Company has a very small team of employees and most of those employees are working on MPC. A fine actor and delightfully camp and assume a good friend and colleague of Heughans. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. You panicked. R336 I'm sure she'll confirmation from her "source" in the industry. Might see an upswing of FB feeds - more 'he was with a girl and they were cute together, and he looked happy' - no photo of course unless it was cropped or clumsily photoshopped. I can look at his face here all day thinking how happy Wifey has made him with their Boos! Cause I dont. Is it my imagination but are Heughans stick thin legs getting even thinner ?Would it not be possible to ' build up ' the lower half of his body to match the top half ? What an utter embarrassment. One of them, my closest friend since I was 12 was gay. (video down the bottom - just keep scrolling- he looked a little uncomfortable with anything other than when he was shilling his whisky). I've Googled but can't find information, is his part in Bloodshot a major character in lots of scenes through out the film or a slightly larger than cameo role but someone who might get killed off half way through etc ? May be raised without a father, the missing man in the family, being openly gay before Outlander, leads him now to the way he is acting. Its what we do with disappointments, no? She seems pretty active re promotions etc for her career and I'll bet she would have 'run into' him sooner or later - good publicity for her, and him. He did injure himself once, but he was determined to do it, "probably due to pride." And for the record . Heughan does know who he is, but he is quite prepared to be what he thinks other people want him to be. r255. According to Instagram Heughan is on holiday in New Orleans with John Bell. Either way not so many opportunities for underpants adds !! I was told that she regularly donates clothes and children's toys and is low key and very polite. I dont have the ability to solely grant you access through an email request. I notice that the department store his I.G. Madden has never denied being gay like closeted Heughan did in his embarrassing 'gays are camp' interview the night before TSWDM premiere. I don't think he has , what I would call for lack of another word, star presence .at least not enough of it to make him stand out against all the younger competition . Ah, Sammy, please lay off the pap walks and the shilling - just makes you look downright tacky. Untitled on Tumblr Ah, Purv is back to promoting Samgia - apparently Heughan and Georgia have been spotted at the same sports event in is Oliver Hoare, her boyfriend (of course now only a friend according to Purv). Eww. maybe this is old news for some but Heughan is apparently having a VIP event as part of his appearance during Wizard World New Orleans 3-5 Jan : for a mere US$1500 you get a private panel, autograph, selfie, campfire chat, he'll talk about his filmography etc. An interesting twist on bearding - letting weird fans grab him and try to feel him up so he looks hetero (when he just looks more than a bit sleazy). [R339] You need a strong stomach to follow Heughans career ! A bit tough on SH as he has done far more that the others to keep the increasingly mediocre OL even reasonably interesting, but he is probably quite happy at this stage to pick up what non-OL work he can but concentrate on his brand. No One Can Resist Him.". r77 the likes may be part of her severance agreement - or maybe he just wants to keep her on side. As a relative newcomer here, who is this Purv? Not sure that looking as though you are begging is all that good a look, but the action movie genre is clearly what he wants - and that almost invariably means a hetero image. Production was initially delayed to the COVID . Earlier today after watching Fallon, she posted, Sam is looking thinner, definitely getting ready to play Paul Newman. Where this will end or bringing him more attention to wider markets and audiences, sorry no idea. You attack people for believing he's [bold]gay.[/bold]. Just a little research should do it, eh? r577 Yes, did no-one in the SH camp (pun not intended) bother to check out just what was out there on SM about her before the name was apparently fed from private FB sites to a number of blogger accounts? There is some mention of SDCC ?- is that a maybe ?. As is usual with JA, it was overdone and obvious. One thing you can be sure we will see a lot of in season 5 of Outlander is a great many artfully arranged gourds and pumpkins in the new house on Frasers Ridge .however good acting might be in short supply ! Give him a chance. Looks like his Burns Night gig was a big win last night. Especially now, when theres a need for new content? Oh dear, Heughans suit at the OL premier makes him look as if he's had breast augmentation . I'm curious to see if Bloodshot will boost his career and fame. If they are indeed together, SH has great taste and more power to them. JA was with him at the Bloodshot premiere, she still keeps a close eye on him(god knows why???). (JA, OL fans, buyers of his products, casting agents, whoever he is dealing with on a particular day). - Some vision difficulties cannot discern the faked and contrived. What does sailing dude think of JA's latest PR approach? 'Outlander' Star Sam Heughan Just Avoided Questions About His Rumored Call me cynical but does he need to go , to the presumably, vast expense of developing further products when all he has to do is 'buy in ' other products and offer them under his own brand name. I love it when Sam decides to speak the truth . If it doesnt stop, Ill go further. Someone emailed this to me. No, no they didnt. It has been fascinating to watch. On this episode of Scran, we headed out for lunch in Glasgow with actor and author Sam Heughan. Perhaps because she did not invite him to her wedding in the summer of 2019 . - Cries of Fact! Sam is good at marketing (apart from the straight Sam image of course, which he just cannot credibly bring off). Ive gotten a few multiples requests for access to the new blog from the same people. In short [R271]-[R281] Heughan is laughing all the way to the bank ! As for chemistry This is really heavy and cool, Phoebe Waller-Bridge said during her GG acceptance speech today. Why not in 2014? Obviously a new strategy by JA. Just Because on Tumblr Heughan prefers not to use a stunt double, and do as many stunts as he can by himself. When you've had sudden, massive success rather late in you're career after years of hard work [ when you could get it ] and wondering when, if ever , success would happen to you. The OL fandom would lap them up and never notice the difference Pity your friend didn't tip the homophobic ladies off their bar stools ! Removing a mole like the one on Sam's face is a complex procedure requiring plastic surgery and healing time. But if it is, from her IG pics, she obviously gets her clothes from some brothel dumpsters and the moths have got at them - lots of holes, and so worn that you can see right through them, poor thing, and she can't afford tights - gotta be thongs and garter belts, alas. and Purv believes Hannah is yearning for The Magical Golden Dirk, whose power is irresistible. ?? Outlander's season six finale just left us with one hell of a cliffhanger. #MAGA. Copy and paste this link: 00:00. Underneath all the attention-seeking, the hetero games, the straightwashing, the bizarre innuendo, Heughan is still a fine actor and he ain't going to get anywhere further with Starz - living in a box indeed. He could have made a general statement on twitter to get his point across less ineptly. I wonder what their collaboration was like, just like with the Spy movie there seems to be a lot of distance between the actors. In Praise of Sam Heughan - Meanwhile Camuso has crawled back out, joining with Purv to speculate that Heughan is in LA to spend Thanksgiving with a woman. Will his fans be able to afford to buy all this stuff.. Forgot to add Louboutin shoes to my list of all the products he's been shilling. And the app could be a possible beard market, an 'elite' one even. A year ago I wouldve had hate filled Submissions and anons coming at me for even the suggestion, Ive not had one in the last three months'. Concerning Bloodshot. Lets get to the central issue of someone putting a bullseye on their own forehead. He is an extremely handsome guy, even dosed up with Ibuprofen for a cold) but Monty can turn him into a Ken doll. He's a cut above the rest. A few mins after, Sam walks in (he was seating in the center area by the aisle on the 2nd row. Roses are red Violets are blue Heughan is gay Wish you were too. Yes. Watched the Bloodshot trailer with Heughan in his cyber suitthought it made him look kinda sexy.. His career could do with a " stand out " performance , certainly that didn't happen in The Spy Who Dumped Me No idea what his performance is going to like in S.A.S Red Notice.. Looked OK on stage but in some of the photos (his IG post in particular) the pants are quite a different colour and it looks as though he grabbed the wrong pants as he was getting dressed (get some more lighting in that closet, mate). And we have Jonathon Van Ness as a guest Compere! - Collects breadcrumbs, sometimes makes her own, and arranges them in patterns while claiming that she is only presenting the information and it is up to others to interpret them (but then presents her interpretation as orthodoxy). Whatever you say, Jan. No red flags to see here. Must be tiring with all this manipulation, even if it is profitable. He showed up at the LandCon in Paris in a disturbing unprofessional way with his three day worn jeans, his wtf uncleanless, not dressing well for the female! What's next, Purv on the S6 premiere? He's not only working out at EDA in the past year he has posted pics of another gym in Glasgow. Sam's whiskey is featured in Forbes magazine..It's better than the usual tabloids. Her makeup looked flawless and she looked relaxed and happy. Correction to above: the emoji Sam used means I love you in ASL: (Simple Love is indicated by crossing your arms across your chest.) R353 I wonder if JA herself put him up to that video, it wouldn't surprise me at all. At the time I had no idea about S, what he looked like, or that they were even doing a show about the books. Posh magazine is better than being seen in the last slot at the Oscars. ".the best dressed men this year schooled us in textural play, the art of layering, and the importance of a proper-fitting garment." No harm comes to anyone from a private blog if it remains private. seriously though I wonder where this will end, I mean even furniture now??!! Hopefully he has learned a lot about tradecraft by working with them. Imagine if you couldnt accept the fact that Jess had taken her blog private. The Dude is Duncan Lacroix. The troll wouldn't be trying to derail these threads..". PaleyFest postponed - this will hurt - right in his wallet. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Sam Heughan. #OutlanderObsessed | Sam's reunion with his former tutor at Royal A couple of commenters didn't like it - surprise, surprise. Probably doesn't matter all that much at the moment, as he is still not all that well known outside OL. (by the way some bloggers think he's your boyfriend - rush out a new beard?). Why not? . Heughan wants viewers to expect lots of drama in Season 5? I think he doesn't feel he needs to look good for the crazy OL fandom. Makes a sort of PR sense if Starz and his PR team are actually going down this path - some extreme shippers will never accept that SH and Balfe are not lovers/married/even parents (and SH himself was heavily involved in promoting the showmance), but quite a few ex-shippers have eventually accepted it and now they want their Sammy to find someone nice to love him as that rotten Balfe didnt; it builds up a focus on Skelton for further OL seasons; SH and Skelton can be seen together at events etc because they are co-stars, with plausible deniability of anything else; less need for clumsy photoshopping, Im here, Im there etc; shes pretty and almost 15 years younger. Some features on this site require registration. [R188]Agree. I feel physically ill posting these tweets. A cap and ticket machine could be found somewhere. and its creepy af. and has won BAFTA, IFTA, a Laurence Olivier Award, and was a nominee in Golden Globes 2020. She seems to also have missed SH's comment at the TCA that he is single. r431 Ah, yes - but only if they are young, athletic, short and blonde - gotta maintain that hetero super-stud image after all. Surprised Heughan didn't have Sassenach Whisky embroidered on his velvet jacket ! His androgynous optics changes more to female side. Doubt if dragging out old news about MM will generate much interest though, too many people saw through the sham. [R184] If Heughans got any sense he'll be somewhere hot, with a significant other, having a sea , sex and sand holidaynot necessarily in that order !! Its sad. The fact, that he is allowed skiing, which in most actors contracts is excluded, makes me scratch my head. I think they are probably just good friends and the rumours have jumped ahead of themselves. Friends, my private blog has under 150 women. r195 Neither can I. From what I have seen he can go from manly to over the top effeminate in a split second. Sam Heughan Fan - Tumblr Outlander's Sam Heughan's surprising Scottish home revealed OL season 5 episode 1. Suspect her career is on a much higher trajectory than his. He really needs to get a hair transplant though, and get rid of that damn mole - it's not only distracting but it could be dangerous. I am looking forward to the new season of Outlander, go Sammy, boy! Hirsch finally made clear that SHs OL role was hetero eye candy this had been clear almost since S2, and the show continued to become more and more patchy as Jamie got emasculated and Claire crossed her arms, looked stink face and dominated the supposed love of her life. You posted something that was private (which in itself is a no-no which Ill deal with separately but hey, you know the law better than anyone), and anxiously showed an accusation about yourself without realizing the people you were showing it to had no freaking idea what you were even talking about.
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